Sunday, December 24, 2017

Does EVIL Exist

Martin Kenney & Santos Bonnaci - Flat Earth Cosmic Egg

(1 of 13) When Martin Kenney said that these people who do hateful and wicked things, such as the elite is doing to mankind and to the environment is not Evil, then he is incorrect. Evil is an old term that simply means to deliberately cause suffering in the world while getting pleasure from it. In other words sadism is Evil. Spirit cooking and blood ritual sacrifice in order to have power over the minds of the many (and to increase mortal longevity) is Evil. Most people feel that it is socially unacceptable to say that Evil is a real thing. But if Evil did not exist then the word Evil should have never been introduced into our language. The word exists because the people used it to describe horrible acts of cruelty against them. When the early Roman Catholic Popes performed public torture/executions, they did it to mind control the masses into accepting their demands on what to think and believe, which was Evil.

The EVIL Of:  Baby & Child Ritual Sacrifice

 ***Special Note (Urgent Situation For Babies World-wide):
 The following quotes came from:

Hollywood elites “eat whole babies for Christmas” according to Jim Carey, who warns “dark forces” are “engaged in a battle for America’s soul“, and the outcome of this battle will have “long-lasting consequences for the entire world.

These kids are fattened up for the Christmas table like geese and turkeys, except the animals don’t go through the ritual abuse, the psychological torment that these kids are forced to suffer.
These people believe the more the child has suffered, the better it tastes. They believe the negative emotions coursing through the kid’s body, the adrenaline and hatred, will give them special powers. It’s a Hollywood thing influenced by old school Satanism.

Speaking at a post-screening Q&A for documentary Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond in New York, Carrey said that Christmas and New Year are a time of year he dreads, because of the “dark energy pulsating around Tinsel Town” and his knowledge of “what goes on behind the closed doors of the elite at this time of year.

“Luciferians in Hollywood turn Christmas into the darkest festival of the year,” Carey said, before explaining “there is a reason why people around the world feel a heaviness at this time of year.“

“Institutional oppression and Satanism hang in the air while we are all forced to wear smiles and ignore the gut feeling that all is not well.”

“Ever notice how all the homeless children you see throughout the year begin to disappear at Xmas? You think it’s because they’ve found a home, found shelter, found love and warmth?“

“Christmas time is Satanic slaughter time. They are determined to pervert the most beautiful time of the year into a festival of suffering and blood.”

Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond charts Jim Carey’s evolution into cult comedian Andy Kaufman for 1999 film Man on the Moon, a performance which saw Carey maintain the Kaufman’s oddball identity for the duration of the shoot. However in New York on Friday, Carey warned of the seriousness of his allegations against Hollywood elite.

“The entertainment industry is the PR and brainwashing branch of the New World Order, the globalist empire of Lucifarianism,” Carey said, warning. “There will be a strong push to normalize Satanism in 2018. Good old-fashioned devil worshiping.”

(2 of 13) Domination over the mind, heart and body of another is Evil because that is a deliberate violation of an person's sacred being. When babies and children are kidnapped and sold into slavery, organ trafficking and secret laboratory experiments, then that is Evil. Recently McDonalds was found selling hamburgers with infant DNA flesh in them (equals Evil). Also Pepsi was fined and had to recall their soda due to having infant blood in the it (equals Evil). The elites are allowing such things in order to secretly get the masses to join in with their Satanic rituals so that they will be equally guilty. By people CHOOSING to remain ignorant about their indoctrination and arguing against anyone who tries to alert them to whats going on and how they are unknowingly helping the oppressors in this Matrix of Deception, then their conscious choice to stay asleep means that they are guilty of going along with the Evil deeds of their oppressors.

(3 of 13) The denial of Truth is Evil because to remain ignorant is to unconsciously participate in Evil things. To be driven by Ego is Evil because its the EGO OF THE ELITE that's doing crimes against humanity and the Earth (ecosystem & atmosphere). To poison the food (with pesticides, GMO's, fluoride and other health damaging agents) is Evil. To imprison people for helping others to naturally heal from Cancer, Diabetes and other ailments is Evil. To make it illegal to publicly testify that a natural remedy healed them is Evil. To dumb down children so that they can be easily deceived and controlled by the elites is Evil. To Chemtrail the people and the Earth (where the elites hired scientists to concoct lethal combinations of heavy metals with pathogens & nano-tech bugs that can attach to our nervous systems to zap our electro-magnetic energy field in order to confuse and debilitate our minds and bodies just to exploit and take advantage of people) is most definitely Evil. 

The Real Spiritual Revolution - Freedom From The EVIL N.W.O.


(4 of 13) False flag operations which mind controls the masses into attacking other groups of people and blaming them for something they had nothing to do with is Evil. So I can go on and on. But, my point is that Evil is the essence of the so-called New World Order regime that is trying put most if not all of humanity into a cage to be experimented upon. Trying to rape the masses by making criminal or fraudulent based laws to compel the masses to allow themselves to be vaccinated with Mercury infested vaccines so that the Big Pharma can profit off of it and so that the medical industry can profit is Evil. There is NO part of this Psychological Matrix that is not Evil. Even when they make charities and other philanthropic non-profit organizations usually those funds go to the elites in secret and the needy get very little if any of it; that's Evil.

(5 of 13)  The Rockefeller family took over the medical schooling of doctors by making it mandatory that they only adhere to man-made drugs and bans any natural treatments. They had out doctor licenses based on only treating symptoms and never helping their patients to totally heal from their conditions; that's Evil. The elites are forcing the governments around the world to slowly take away people's ability to grow their own food so that it can be natural instead of full of poisons, but they are setting up laws to criminalize a person for trying to take of their own health, naturally. In other words, the MATRIX controlled by the Satanists is making it a crime for a person to protect themselves from environmental pollutants that were purposely placed there by the elites; that is Evil. To tell the Truth when it offends the elite is now being legislated into being a “hate crime”; which is bogus, and that is Evil.

Flat Earth Being Portrayed As A "Conspiracy Theory" is EVIL Mind Control

(6 of 13) The MATRIX is trying to lure the masses into Transhumanism to upload their thoughts and feelings into the internet cloud so that they can force people to think whatever the MATRIX dictates. Smart meters are being installed under the disguise of improving energy consumption. But the real reason is to cause mass illness and death in order to meet the goal of Agenda 21. which is to reduce the population down to a half billion people on Earth (under the pretext of unburdening the environmental resources). But, it's the elite and their Evil programs that are causing 90 percent of the Earth's natural resources to be wasted and/or mutilated. The military has infused huge amount of poisons into the biosphere from their never ending wars – at the command of the elites. Every govt & corporations are all following the demands of the elites. And, there's so much more going on secretly that is harming all Life on Earth, which is Evil. To recognize Evil and never say that it is not Evil is our spiritual responsibility.

(7 of 13) Immorality is the deliberate act of causing pain/suffering in order to gain domination and coerced servitude. Such Evil must be faced with integrity regardless of death threats. Our bodies are programmed to die anyway so one may as well die being honest than being a coward (giving the elites more control). Elites don't have absolute power; it relies on people protecting their emotional fear of death. A spiritual/moral human being doesn't fear death when they know that their spirit is immortal and will go on to live again. Plus your next life will be based on whether or not you put your immortal soul ahead of your bodily flesh's survival. When you put your flesh as being the #1 priority then that makes you materialistic and devoid of a conscience. But when you realize that you are helping Evil to increase and spread in the world by not standing up and facing it without bowing down to it, then you are dissolving it, non-violently. 

The N.W.O. vs. Spiritual Order

*Note:  This is a symbol about our daily lives. The Ego is Wile E. Coyote. Your Unbiased Awareness about your Ego is THE CREATOR within. It's about Division/Domination vs. Wholeness/Cooperation. The N.W.O. MATRIX has indoctrinated the masses to be spiritually Wile E. Coyote - always struggling to fulfill its Ego. All the Roadrunner is doing is living its life not trying to control and NOT ALLOWING itself to be controlled (the Roadrunner is a spiritual symbol so it could be a male or female because it is Equally in harmony with both opposite Yin/Female & Yang/Male). Wile E. Coyote is a symbol of anyone's Ego that is always trying to impose its WILL so that it can feel like it is in charge of REALITY. REALITY can't be dominated. To do so is ultimately lead to self-destruction in the long run.

(8 of 13) The elites only have as much power as they have due to generations of people rolling over to Evil demands instead of refusing to cooperate with Evil just to save ones own flesh (that is NOT a real excuse at all). So that means that the elite would lose their power if the masses were to grow a spiritual backbone and have civil disobedience for the sake of freedom and sovereignty. People say well we will be killed. Well so what, you are going to die sooner or later anyway; it may as well be a NOBLE DEATH instead of a slow torture that we now see going on. The elites are murdering people but using weather manipulation machines to cause unnatural storms that causes people to lose their shelter and land and their lives. They kidnap the kids in these disasters, too. Why is all of this happening? It's because past generations thought that if they were to obey their oppressors then their oppressors would show them mercy. But look where we are today. 

Optical Illusions: Indoctrination


(9 of 13) Where is the mercy? There is none. And every year they increase their assaults upon the world trying to make us mad enough to become violent so that they have the excuse of imposing martial law and throwing people into concentration camps (FEMMA) where they torture and murder people and steal their children and brainwash them so that they never find out what they did to their families. All of this is PURE EVIL! What's worse is people being too afraid to face Evil inside of themselves that allows the elite to increase their authority over their lives and the lives of their children. Both sides of the coin: the Rulers & the Ruled are equally responsible for all the Evils that we are witnessing in our daily lives. Each of us has a spiritual responsibility to face Evil and not bow down to it no matter what. That's the test of your character that determines if the MATRIX OF DECEIT will maintain or crumble; for it cannot stand without your acquiescence. 

Exposing EVIL In Blind Obedience


(10 of 13) To unplug your mind from the MATRIX you must face your own Ego to realize that your Ego (your Emotional Side) is going along with the elite's agenda subconsciously. It doesn't matter if you insult the elite and the SYSTEM OF LIES & BLOOD SACRIFICE, your subconscious is cooperating with the N.W.O. (notice the anagram is OWN – meaning the elites OWN the world). The elites are Black Magicians that must steal spirit-energy in order to be able to confuse/blind the Collective Subconscious. So they need the greatest spiritual power; that power is the baby's blood which is RAW SPIRITUAL ENERGY. But the elites must terrorize the baby first before it can drunk so that the Spiritual Energy is corrupted first. Then they can harness it to damage the world. This Evil cannot be fought against by and man-made weapon. It can only be NEUTRALIZED non-violently at its SOURCE. The SOURCE CODE is your conditioning, which is your emotional Ego that is controlled by personal pride. 

Exposing EVIL In World-Wide Mind Control About Our Universe

(11 of 13) The elites made you cultivate an Ego so that they can use Black Magic to remote control you to do whatever they desire. Once you are free of your own Ego, the MATRIX will spiritually implode. Your programmed thinking that you protect and maintain is the very FOUNDATION of this MATRIX SYSTEM. Once the FOUNDATION, which is your Ego transforms and dies, then your intrinsic Godliness is born. Ego is a fragmented, divided mind at war within itself (conscious vs. subconscious). Once you see the Truth it sets the mind free of division and is made whole. Once we are spiritually or emotionally whole, then the EVIL EMPIRE naturally dissolves. When the foundation of any building no longer supports the building, then the building falls. On the back of the dollar bill there is a pyramid. This represents a SPIRITUAL pyramid because in real life you can't have a gap like that in a pyramid. What is that gap? That gap is a barrier between the ultra elite and its spiritual slaves.

Exposing EVIL In Space Program Propaganda


Eric Dubay
Published on Dec 21, 2017

Satellites are purely science-fiction. All supposed images of satellites in orbit show fake CGI "satellites" orbiting a fake CGI "ball-Earth." First conceived by Freemason science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke in 1945, they claim satellites became science-fact soon after. This is impossible for many reasons outlined in the following video, however, including the fact the melting points of the metals used in satellites are far lower than the temperature in the "thermosphere" where satellites supposedly are. Satellites, space stations, the Hubble telescope and space travel in general are absolutely the biggest hoaxes of the century, and NASA the most successful propaganda organization in history.


(12 of 13) Whenever the elite do Evil things like torture kids, eat kids and drink the blood of kids, the reason why they don't feel any consequences from it is because they're practicing Black Magic to erect a spiritual barrier so that when they harm the world, only the masses pay the price for it. Its your own Ego that makes this possible. That's their greatest FEAR: is when the people wake up to realize that it was their own Ego that makes their Black Magic work, then all of their spells will backfire (and they know this) . You see the real DEVIL IS INSIDE (its our Ego). To be free of Ego you have to study it and know how it deceives itself, first. Once that's understood, then Ego is no more. Ego is a byproduct of ignorance (ignoring your Ego and what it is really up to).

(13 of 13) So the EVIL MATRIX is rooted in our minds, which has hardened our hearts (our soul). Once we step up to the plate and become spiritually mature beings, then that will end this EVIL MATRIX. That is what I do daily. The more people who do this, the faster all of this nonsense will end. So to hear no Evil, see no Evil and speak no Evil is to maintain and defend Evil. But to see a false thing as being a false thing is to end that falsehood, altogether. That is the Eternal Law of Life! To learn about your Ego check out Jiddu Krishnamurti and my blog:

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