Consciousness Has One Last Chance To Awaken Or Else...
Why is Nobody Talking about This...What is Happening with BILLIONS of People
(2017-2018 EVENTS)
else, not only will our species get murdered by the powers that be
and by our subconscious consent to go along to get along, but also
ALL LIFE ON EARTH is being destroyed by the COLLECTIVE EGO-BASED
first glance, the situation that we are all facing is really NOT a
physical threat at all. Why not (you might ask)?
TRUE CHALLENGE that we all face is a
Psychological-Emotional-Spiritual cunning game of DECEPTION/ILLUSION
in order to get everybody to run after and take shelter in a beLIEf
of being protected. Then after the masses beLIEve that their
government programs are looking after them (as if they were are mommy
and daddy), then they will carry on their (soft) murder programs
disguised as being of benefit to us and the environment.
is more alarming in this situation is NOT the ones who know that they
are committing mass murder to the humanity and to mother nature, but
it is all of the people who fight to protect lies within themselves.
You see the very reason why it is that propaganda (deception)
programs work at all is because people are slaves and prisons to
people are POSSESSED by their own Ego/Demon that they serve, which is
an EMOTIONAL-BASED LIAR. It exists in their personal “LAND OF MAKE
is it means sacrificing their own physical life (as well as the
physical lives of their family).
I have
come to deeply realize that the end is near, indeed. All of the
strange things that people are saying and doing, on every level of
human existence, is a clear indication that the
Subconscious-COLLECTIVE-EGO (the emotional part of the mind that
seeks to dominate or be submissive) is DISINTEGRATING faster and
faster, now. The indicators are the desperate manner in which the
system is trying to obviously attacks our physical security on
multiple levels. And while this mass assault upon the masses is
unfolding, the message is a complete contradiction of what it is they
are actually doing to the world. It's not just the people that are
being systematically eliminated, but it is also the environment, as
well (by altering the natural structure of the biosphere through DNA
mixing of various creatures and plant life, spraying tons of deadly
bio-chemical weapon agents upon the whole of the Earth.
Yes I
realize how crazy this may sound, but the reason why people dismiss
the Truth is because it is more comfortable to exist in denial by
beLIEving that everything is under control. Also, the average person
assumes that the ruling class are in their right minds (just because
they are clever and cunning enough to know how to steal a lot of
resources from the world). Most people don't know what madness is.
They assume that insanity means that the person is stupid. That is
far from the truth. The scientific technicians have been mixing up
poisons and serving it to the public, either overtly or covertly.
They are smart enough to be devious, clever and unscrupulous. What
makes them all insane is their beLIEf that they are a form of energy
that is separate from the rest of the world that they are attacking
with their chemicals of mass destruction. It takes very little
intelligence to destroy life. The SUPREME INTELLIGENCE is CREATION of
balance. The science have learned how to the balance of
ARE THE ESSENCE OF IMBALANCE because they are the denial of what is
actually taking place and substituted with a fairy tale that sounds
plausible if you don't look beneath the surface. EGO is a
surface-dweller; meaning, it was a mental-emotional construct that
only seeks to hide in deception. This is why most people wont
investigate for themselves so they can find out what is really going
on. Most people think they are here on Earth to live out their
personal illusions. Any beLIEf is a falsehood disguised as being
“truth”. Any information that exposes that what you want to be
“true” is not real, then EGO becomes violently defensive and
focus too much on physical harm and not enough on the mindset that is
laying itself bare to being victimized. We need to reverse the way we
approach the problem of living. We need to reverse the approach to
how we deal with our own EGO. We need to learn about what our EGO is.
What makes it come into being. Did you know that the EGO is not a
permanent thing in us? Did you know that the EGO is made out of LIES
that it built up for itself. Did you know that EGO is crazy because
it is 100% IMAGINARY. Why does it matter if my emotional image
projector is imposing its fantasy over the real world? If you look at
all of the deadly things that we are facing, its origin is
everybody's EGO (the traiter within who is sacrificing this world for
it private delusions).
this... The EGO of the Elite is 100% dependent upon the masses
guarding and maintaining their own EGO. Yes... According to Quantum
Mechanics, your EGO is a thought, a distorted-disharmonious frequency
in your mind. That distorted mind interprets LIES as being reality,
and reality as being fake. When one thinks from a ground of
distortion, that endangers the physical well being. By taking the
word of the authorities who PRETEND that they are implementing
programs only to benefit and protect society at large, then by taking
their LIES as being “truth”, the people are allowing their
children to be destroyed by things that are disguised as being
helpful. Then the authorities tell the parents to trust that their
child's health is being well looked after. When later on down the
road your child ends up being damaged by their treatments, those
authorities pretend that their child's ill health was due to some
strange mystery. But they deny doing any harm at all. (It's like a
murdering telling the person he is choking to death that they are
dreaming – you're not being choked to death by me – I'm just
giving you a 'firm' neck and throat massage for your benefit.
you go against seeing things as they actually are, then you become
self-deception and destructive. We can't bring about a safe physical
world because, mentally for the most part, the emotional-being is
delusional and refuses to detect that it is in a perpetual state of
delusion. Media is a gigantic brainwashing machine that pretends to
be your friend. It tells you that we are only here to help you out.
Take our pills, eat our delicious food, you can get all the (fake)
friends you like on any social media network. They will pretend to be
your friends. But they are really spies who report back to the
control system (own by the the Elite gangsters who have taken most of
the world hostage).
hear our pleas to stop poisoning the world. But they carry on with
their world wide murdering system, while the media LIES to all of us
telling us this is a normal world. The leaders are presented to us as
being “normal”, “caring” and “smart”. They are actually
dummies who are pretending to be smart. They are slaves to their
feelings of insecurity. You do the opposite of what you emotionally
fear about yourself. People who seek domination are secretly feeling
helpless and inadequate. EGO projects the OPPOSITE OF HOW IT TRULY
The Elites fear of losing control of the masses because their entire identity and self-worth is wrapped up in having something to control. If the masses were to suddenly disappear for some unknown reason, the Elite would have to turn on each other and try to dominate each other to death. They don't know how to get along with anything or anyone. So without the masses, the Elite would destroy themselves.
The Elites fear of losing control of the masses because their entire identity and self-worth is wrapped up in having something to control. If the masses were to suddenly disappear for some unknown reason, the Elite would have to turn on each other and try to dominate each other to death. They don't know how to get along with anything or anyone. So without the masses, the Elite would destroy themselves.
without having us around to gloat over the suffering that they are
causing, they would not be able to hide from their deep emotional
emptiness that they fear the most. They do what they do because there
is a HUGE GAPING HOLE within them. They try to fill their
EMOTIONAL-HOLE by distracting themselves with rituals of cruelty.
They want us to fear them so that they can pretend to be mighty gods.
They are serving their own EGO (which is the Devil within).
have known the secret to how to control the masses. And they have
hidden that secret from humanity because if they were ever to awaken
to this secret of all forms of mind control, then they would lose
their power over our minds. Free the mind and your physical (ass)
will follow suit. You can't free your physical (ass) first. That has
been tried for centuries and it never works. So let's try something
totally unprecedented that the puppet masters would never suspect.
Let's look directly at our own personal EGO that they cultivated in
us throughout the school system and dogma-based religion.
What is THE SECRET that is hiding in plain sight?
Everyone has a virtual-bot in their emotional-being which takes the form of an EGO. ALL THREATS TO OUR LIVES ARE COMING FROM ONE SINGULAR SOURCE: "EGO"!
Our Emotional-Mind has 3 levels or depths that every sentient being has (even the non-humans). Because, without a body (which contains DNA), WE ARE ALL ONE SPIRIT (or consciousness). We all have these 3 levels in our emotional being:
1) Conscious
2) Subconscious
3) Collective-Subconscious
1) Conscious Level:
This is the dummy that is projecting a facade, mask or actor to cover over the true or actual emotional state of mind. Conscious level of our emotional-being conceals THE TRUE FACE (of our emotional-being). That means that most people think that proper social communications is to LIE to each other and pretend to care about each other. This is done through the language of DOUBLE-SPEAK scripted social chit-chat. It is an emotional control system to keep everyone in line so as not to allow each other to speak honestly with one another. Also it prevents people from truly being in contact or relationship with one another. There is a pretense of getting along and being kind. The speech says one thing while the opposite feeling or thought is underneath the social play-actor. The mask or the fake emotions are EGOTISTICAL (self-serving while using false modesty style language). The more pretentious one is, the more successful and wealthy.
The Elite hire the best psychologists and public relations teams to dissect the EMOTIONAL-PSYCHE of humanity. They employ all of the EMOTIONAL BUZZ-WORDS to get large masses of people to do whatever the tiny group of puppet masters so desire (this is commonly called black sorcery). The Conscious level of the Emotional-Being in all humans (with the exception of infants) has a projected imaginary way of responding as people interact. People say what they think they SHOULD SAY, not what they ACTUALLY THINK OR FEEL. This causes a schism in the Emotional-Being. Once the mind is divided, it can be possessed or hijacked by another EGO that is more clever, devious and cunning. This is what is meant by: "DIVIDE AND CONQUER YOUR SOUL OR EMOTIONAL-BEING.
2) Subconscious:
This is the other half of the Emotional-Being within each and every one of us. When you are a baby, your Emotional-Being is ONE (United). But as you grow up, your parents, other family members, community members who interact with the baby's family begin to interfere with the child's Emotional-Being. The child is suppressed any time it expresses an EMOTION that is DISLIKED by the family. The child is given pain if it does not stop itself from expressing how it feels. This causes the child to get even more upset, thereby causing the baby to cry even more loudly and for a longer duration. Emotional-thought (Ego) is always trying to dominate, control or restrict Emotional-Expression. It is not allowed and is frowned upon. This is the beginning of a type of Emotional-Slavery. We are told to bury our true Emotions or Feelings and to ignore them. Then we beLIEve they have disappeared.
But they haven't disappeared. Whenever you fight your thoughts or emotions, they simply go into the DARK BASEMENT of your mind; this is the Subconscious and it is super faster than the superficial Conscious Level of the Emotional-Being. Your Subconscious is either your greatest 'enemy' or 'friend' - depending on whether or not your mind is emotionally divided or not divided. Most people are Emotionally-Divided Beings. Division is caused by Emotional-Desire. When you feel an emotional thought or feeling that you DISLIKE, then we have been brainwashed into thinking that it is natural to fight against anything and everything that you DISLIKE. We have not been educated to realized that to fight against ones own Emotional state of being is to declare a psychological or spiritual Civil War within the total Emotional-Being.
Your Subconscious Level is like a reflecting mirror that shows your TRUE FACE; that is, your TRUE EMOTIONAL-FACE. So if your Conscious Level decides to IMAGINE itself to be in the OPPOSITE state of mind, then what happens is that your Conscious Mind puts on an Emotional-Mask which was produced by your Emotional-Imagination. Meanwhile your Subconscious is like a collector that accumulates all of the thoughts and feelings that your Conscious-Mind rejects. This splits the mind in half while at the same time, each side of the split mind forgets that it is related to its opposite half. Both split sides beLIEves that they are 2 completely different and separate entities. NOT TRUE! They will always be ONE-IN-THE-SAME. It matters not what anyone beLIEves. Reality is based on what is ACTUALLY TAKING PLACE, not on WHAT YOU BELIEVE IS TAKING PLACE.
(Notice: Hiding in plain sight in the very middle, core or heart of the word BELIEVE IS LIE! All emotional-based beliefs are false, period. This is not my personal opinion, but it is an absolute fact.)
Subconscious is the most powerful because it is faster and can detect things that the Conscious mind can't. But it is the Conscious Level that is the projected fake persona in order to charm its way through life just to get whatever it so desires. The Conscious Level thinks that it knows everything about itself. It does not want it to be true that there is another area of its consciousness that is operating independently and in direct opposition to its desires. So when the Conscious tries to live up to an emotional ideal of being "good", then the Subconscious sabotages the Conscious and blocks it.
When people make friends, there Conscious Level chooses friends that will support its emotional self-centered lies. In return, friends expect you to help them hide from their True Emotional-Face, too. This is mistakenly thought to be love and kindness to stroke each others' Egos. But, the Subconscious makes friends who later on turn out to be double-agents posing as a friend. Your Subconscious does this in order to get back at the Conscious mind for rejecting and ignoring Emotions that the Conscious mind DISLIKED. So gradually, your Subconscious becomes an out of control Emotional-Monster demanding to have its own way. This is what causes people to argue and fight.
Subconscious cannot be stopped through any form of control. Eventually it reaches a breaking point of being suppressed and not allowed to speak its mind, so that it suddenly and unexpectedly snaps and explodes and all of those suppressed emotions violently erupt out causing tragic behavior among people. The Subconscious accurately reflects how well or poorly its Conscious level of its Emotional-Being is dealing with itself. Is the Conscious mind paying FULL ATTENTION to ALL OF ITS THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS? Or, is the Conscious mind using past pleasant memories to superimpose or overlay its initial painful feelings? If it is doing that, then this causes the Subconscious to attack and retaliate against the Conscious mind for ignoring its existence. This is the everlasting struggle that is taking place in the Emotional-Being of most people. But it is the EGO of everyone who is looking for somebody else to blame for the misery its own Emotional-Being is generating from deep within itself.
The greatest fear that every EGO in every human being has is the fear of being in direct contact with ALL of ones thoughts and feelings that one DESPISES. People make friends in order to hide from their ugly emotions. The EGO lies to itself and tells itself that if I hide from my ugly emotional side, then I will be free and happy. Then the Conscious mind BELIEVES it can escape from its grotesque thoughts or feelings by concentrating on becoming the emotional opposite and then declaring to itself that it has succeeded in escaping from those dreaded feelings, thoughts. But it is an impossibility to escape from ones emotional-being. It is just ONE-WHOLE Emotional-Being, not two. Yet in the brainwashed mind each side BELIEVES that it is a separate character/personality. That is a falsehood, but your Emotional-Being treats Truth as being false, and its projected imagined state of "becoming the opposite of whatever I feel or think" in an effort to change What Is into What Should Be. What Should Be is seeking to dominate What Is by suppressing it. This psychological warfare is taking place now and every single day. This has been the human malfunction for thousands of years.
Subconscious always gets the last laugh. The Subconscious opposes its Conscious and visa versa. The Subconscious is obeying the commercial messages that are subliminally embedded. Holidays like Christmas and all the others are covert mind-control programs. You are Emotionally obligated to say an emotional script that the commercials are feeding you in looping TV commercials. People expect you to copy the way they talk about the holidays or else be treated like you are crazy. The holidays are all about social emotional engineering the masses and herding them into a buying frenzy. Also the ruling classing is always monitoring who is or isn't a social rebel who thinks outside the social emotional box.
J. Krishnamurti - Ojai 1949 - Public Talk 5
How is one to be aware?
What is THE SECRET that is hiding in plain sight?
Everyone has a virtual-bot in their emotional-being which takes the form of an EGO. ALL THREATS TO OUR LIVES ARE COMING FROM ONE SINGULAR SOURCE: "EGO"!
Our Emotional-Mind has 3 levels or depths that every sentient being has (even the non-humans). Because, without a body (which contains DNA), WE ARE ALL ONE SPIRIT (or consciousness). We all have these 3 levels in our emotional being:
1) Conscious
2) Subconscious
3) Collective-Subconscious
1) Conscious Level:
This is the dummy that is projecting a facade, mask or actor to cover over the true or actual emotional state of mind. Conscious level of our emotional-being conceals THE TRUE FACE (of our emotional-being). That means that most people think that proper social communications is to LIE to each other and pretend to care about each other. This is done through the language of DOUBLE-SPEAK scripted social chit-chat. It is an emotional control system to keep everyone in line so as not to allow each other to speak honestly with one another. Also it prevents people from truly being in contact or relationship with one another. There is a pretense of getting along and being kind. The speech says one thing while the opposite feeling or thought is underneath the social play-actor. The mask or the fake emotions are EGOTISTICAL (self-serving while using false modesty style language). The more pretentious one is, the more successful and wealthy.
The Elite hire the best psychologists and public relations teams to dissect the EMOTIONAL-PSYCHE of humanity. They employ all of the EMOTIONAL BUZZ-WORDS to get large masses of people to do whatever the tiny group of puppet masters so desire (this is commonly called black sorcery). The Conscious level of the Emotional-Being in all humans (with the exception of infants) has a projected imaginary way of responding as people interact. People say what they think they SHOULD SAY, not what they ACTUALLY THINK OR FEEL. This causes a schism in the Emotional-Being. Once the mind is divided, it can be possessed or hijacked by another EGO that is more clever, devious and cunning. This is what is meant by: "DIVIDE AND CONQUER YOUR SOUL OR EMOTIONAL-BEING.
2) Subconscious:
This is the other half of the Emotional-Being within each and every one of us. When you are a baby, your Emotional-Being is ONE (United). But as you grow up, your parents, other family members, community members who interact with the baby's family begin to interfere with the child's Emotional-Being. The child is suppressed any time it expresses an EMOTION that is DISLIKED by the family. The child is given pain if it does not stop itself from expressing how it feels. This causes the child to get even more upset, thereby causing the baby to cry even more loudly and for a longer duration. Emotional-thought (Ego) is always trying to dominate, control or restrict Emotional-Expression. It is not allowed and is frowned upon. This is the beginning of a type of Emotional-Slavery. We are told to bury our true Emotions or Feelings and to ignore them. Then we beLIEve they have disappeared.
But they haven't disappeared. Whenever you fight your thoughts or emotions, they simply go into the DARK BASEMENT of your mind; this is the Subconscious and it is super faster than the superficial Conscious Level of the Emotional-Being. Your Subconscious is either your greatest 'enemy' or 'friend' - depending on whether or not your mind is emotionally divided or not divided. Most people are Emotionally-Divided Beings. Division is caused by Emotional-Desire. When you feel an emotional thought or feeling that you DISLIKE, then we have been brainwashed into thinking that it is natural to fight against anything and everything that you DISLIKE. We have not been educated to realized that to fight against ones own Emotional state of being is to declare a psychological or spiritual Civil War within the total Emotional-Being.
Your Subconscious Level is like a reflecting mirror that shows your TRUE FACE; that is, your TRUE EMOTIONAL-FACE. So if your Conscious Level decides to IMAGINE itself to be in the OPPOSITE state of mind, then what happens is that your Conscious Mind puts on an Emotional-Mask which was produced by your Emotional-Imagination. Meanwhile your Subconscious is like a collector that accumulates all of the thoughts and feelings that your Conscious-Mind rejects. This splits the mind in half while at the same time, each side of the split mind forgets that it is related to its opposite half. Both split sides beLIEves that they are 2 completely different and separate entities. NOT TRUE! They will always be ONE-IN-THE-SAME. It matters not what anyone beLIEves. Reality is based on what is ACTUALLY TAKING PLACE, not on WHAT YOU BELIEVE IS TAKING PLACE.
(Notice: Hiding in plain sight in the very middle, core or heart of the word BELIEVE IS LIE! All emotional-based beliefs are false, period. This is not my personal opinion, but it is an absolute fact.)
Subconscious is the most powerful because it is faster and can detect things that the Conscious mind can't. But it is the Conscious Level that is the projected fake persona in order to charm its way through life just to get whatever it so desires. The Conscious Level thinks that it knows everything about itself. It does not want it to be true that there is another area of its consciousness that is operating independently and in direct opposition to its desires. So when the Conscious tries to live up to an emotional ideal of being "good", then the Subconscious sabotages the Conscious and blocks it.
When people make friends, there Conscious Level chooses friends that will support its emotional self-centered lies. In return, friends expect you to help them hide from their True Emotional-Face, too. This is mistakenly thought to be love and kindness to stroke each others' Egos. But, the Subconscious makes friends who later on turn out to be double-agents posing as a friend. Your Subconscious does this in order to get back at the Conscious mind for rejecting and ignoring Emotions that the Conscious mind DISLIKED. So gradually, your Subconscious becomes an out of control Emotional-Monster demanding to have its own way. This is what causes people to argue and fight.
Subconscious cannot be stopped through any form of control. Eventually it reaches a breaking point of being suppressed and not allowed to speak its mind, so that it suddenly and unexpectedly snaps and explodes and all of those suppressed emotions violently erupt out causing tragic behavior among people. The Subconscious accurately reflects how well or poorly its Conscious level of its Emotional-Being is dealing with itself. Is the Conscious mind paying FULL ATTENTION to ALL OF ITS THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS? Or, is the Conscious mind using past pleasant memories to superimpose or overlay its initial painful feelings? If it is doing that, then this causes the Subconscious to attack and retaliate against the Conscious mind for ignoring its existence. This is the everlasting struggle that is taking place in the Emotional-Being of most people. But it is the EGO of everyone who is looking for somebody else to blame for the misery its own Emotional-Being is generating from deep within itself.
The greatest fear that every EGO in every human being has is the fear of being in direct contact with ALL of ones thoughts and feelings that one DESPISES. People make friends in order to hide from their ugly emotions. The EGO lies to itself and tells itself that if I hide from my ugly emotional side, then I will be free and happy. Then the Conscious mind BELIEVES it can escape from its grotesque thoughts or feelings by concentrating on becoming the emotional opposite and then declaring to itself that it has succeeded in escaping from those dreaded feelings, thoughts. But it is an impossibility to escape from ones emotional-being. It is just ONE-WHOLE Emotional-Being, not two. Yet in the brainwashed mind each side BELIEVES that it is a separate character/personality. That is a falsehood, but your Emotional-Being treats Truth as being false, and its projected imagined state of "becoming the opposite of whatever I feel or think" in an effort to change What Is into What Should Be. What Should Be is seeking to dominate What Is by suppressing it. This psychological warfare is taking place now and every single day. This has been the human malfunction for thousands of years.
Subconscious always gets the last laugh. The Subconscious opposes its Conscious and visa versa. The Subconscious is obeying the commercial messages that are subliminally embedded. Holidays like Christmas and all the others are covert mind-control programs. You are Emotionally obligated to say an emotional script that the commercials are feeding you in looping TV commercials. People expect you to copy the way they talk about the holidays or else be treated like you are crazy. The holidays are all about social emotional engineering the masses and herding them into a buying frenzy. Also the ruling classing is always monitoring who is or isn't a social rebel who thinks outside the social emotional box.
3) Collective-Subconscious:
Once a person awakens to detect the falsehood of ALL believing as a means of trying to emotionally escape from yourself is self-destructive and violent to both yourself and to others around you, then you will naturally stop relying on your imagination to project the opposite thoughts and feelings. There comes a realization when your mind senses that it is ALL of its emotional responses. And to seek a belief causes a division in your attention away from being in touch with all of its Emotional-Being. Once you feel deep in your heart that you no longer fear witnessing each and every one of your emotional responses to any given situation going on in your daily natural life, then ones mind is then WHOLE UNTO ITSELF AND IS AT PEACE - THE CONSCIOUS IS NO LONG WEARING A FALSE EMOTIONAL-FACE. So that means the the Conscious is wholly examining every single emotion as it goes about meeting its physical survival needs.
There is DESIRE and there is NEED. EMOTIONAL DESIRE TO BECOME THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT IS (unfolding in your emotional-being) is bringing about a split in your perception of how you are feeling.
This is directly followed by chasing after an artificial emotional condition purely fabricated out of ones emotional past memories that gets projected over the original state of mind that was unwanted. This is the beginning of psychological-emotional or spiritual division within the entire emotional-being. Once a mind is emotionally divided, then other people can deceive you, exploit you and even kill you. Once ones mind is divided, it no longer is immune from being dominated and taken over by the EGO of others.
The main reason why conspiracies against the general public is taking place is simply because the controllers are trying to trick the public into either:
1) running away from this malevolent system of mind-control
2) retaliating and rebelling against this malevolent system of mind-control
3) or, surrendering to this malevolent system of mind-control
And, doing any one of the three options above all leads to utter annihilation. Because, to move toward any emotional-desire to change your feelings or thoughts is to cause immediate psychological-emotional-spiritual fragmentation. In other words, the mind is traumatizing itself when it tries to escape from any feeling or emotional thought that arises. YOU ARE THE CONTENT OF YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS which comprises ALL OF YOUR EMOTIONAL RESPONSES. If you go against your content, then you are essentially committing spiritual and physical suicide. This is self-destructive whenever you wish to avoid yourself. Plus it makes you into a hypocrite always contradicting your inner state of being.
The SUBCONSCIOUS-COLLECTIVE is the very last level of the human ONE-MIND
It is the area that the Black Psychic Magicians manipulate through the media, military, politicians and local law enforcement. Laws are disguised EGO-BOTS designed to suck the energy out of the masses to be delivered to the Elites who not only drink blood but they drink your fear-energy that you radiate each time they push the PANIC BUTTON through some traumatic event that they carefully orchestrated behind the scenes. When you have most of the resources on Earth you can afford to buy anybody to do anything you wish, and they do that to the world. They hold title to the soul of the masses so long as the masses continue to hide from their EGO. EGO can only exist in DARKNESS/IGNORE(-ANCE). When you emotionally identify with any beLIEf, your mind is then in the DARK because your mind is looking at what it wishes to be true about how it thinks and feel. The mind is then treating the LIE or beLIEf as if it were real. In doing that, the TRUTH is denied. When you deny TRUTH, you are being a DEMON!
So when your mind finally realizes how it has been hurting itself and setting itself up to being hijacked by the Elite who are really only PRETENDING to be Elite, then it suddenly stops being a fool. It starts to commune with ALL of its thoughts and feelings as they naturally arise during the daily challenges of living. That sacred communion of feeling, detecting your ACTUAL FEELINGS and THOUGHTS naturally generates an UNlimited NEUTRAL-BASED ENERGY which bring harmony to all situations, both locally and non-locally. Since our minds are non-local energy fields, the Neutral-Energy brings about harmony between the opposites.
And, due to the fact that Neutral-Energy lies in the core center of ALL atoms in reality, then whenever you view and deeply listen to your Total Emotional Responses, then that Holy-Perception of the Self or the Ego, is attending to ALL EGOS, universally because Neutral-Energy is Non-Local and is omnipotent. My mind is a fractal of the Whole Mind. But whenever it SEES itself FEELS itself without trying to change itself, then that Neutral state of Non-Movement, Non-Seeking Energy IS THE GROUND OF ALL ATOMIC structures. So that implies that one has pierced the false veil of division between individual and the Universal Mind that we all come from. Then one sees how foolish it is to attack ones fellow man (woman) because one is attacking oneself, as well.
Since we all are DUAL-THOUGHT-FEELING-BASED, we require a 3rd element that does not contain any DUALISTIC qualities at all. Well, Neutral-Energy contains NO POSITIVE and NO NEGATIVE frequencies. Neutral-Energy carries ZERO frequencies because there is NO MOVEMENT (to emotional achieve result). All frequencies are moving waves of energy. Thoughts and Feelings of Emotions are moving in either a negative or positive frequency wave within our consciousness. These opposites will and must destroy its own opposite whenever there is no buffering field in which to bring about co-existent harmony between these opposing emotional energies. The only thing that can equalize, stabilize and normalize emotional opposites is NEUTRAL-COMMUNION with both sides of the emotional-being. In paying full attention to both dualistic expressions from your inner emotional-being, division naturally dissolves. In other words the EGO DISSOLVES ON ALL 3 LEVELS:
1) Conscious
2) Subconscious
3) Collective-Subconscious
Therefore, the only solution then is to peacefully DISSOLVE the Subconscious Collective Mind hive. That can only happen by facing yourself as our are, first Consciously, then there is NO opposition within the mind. Hence the 2nd Level, your Subconscious is then on the same page with your Conscious. Because when there is ONLY PERCEPTION, DETECTION, EXAMINING exactly how you feel in each present moment, under ALL circumstance of life, then both sides (the Positive thoughts/feelings as well as the Negative feelings/thoughts) gets paid full attention, then the feelings/thoughts fade naturally away after being listened to. Then the mind truly knows itself, directly, without any middle-man.
It is a blessing in disguise that all we are being threatened into extinction right now. Because, it is causing the Emotional-Being to fully awaken to itself and be free from its spiritual-emotional-psychological blindness. When facing death, your senses heightened and you become alert. You are keen to learn about the problem. Nevermind about finding answers outside of the problem. These many physical dangers all come from ONE BIG DANGER and that is the failure to know your EGO hides from being aware of itself. The challenge is to detect yourself resisting certain thoughts or feelings. Then detect how your mind is ready and eager to beLIEve the authorities when they tell them to trust that they are being protected. And they claim to be protecting society while they poison society. You see it doesn't concern me at all about being physically killed because we are all biologically programmed to exist these bodies, anyway.
However, what is frightening the Elites is something unprecedented is happening to their minds. The psychological warfare game has always been rigged so that the Elites always win and dominate to rule over the masses. There is only one thing that can break this looping mental game and that is when a human mind wakes up and stops choosing to approve of one Ego over another Ego. All Egos want to preserve the continuation of The Great Subconscious Collective Ego that all Egos are plugged into. This is why they go around the world trying to make sure that no human thinking mind is ever free of their EGO. Because a single WHOLE MIND can DISSOLVE the Subconscious Collective by not choosing sides between Negative & Positive Emotions.
Neg. 1 Plus Positive 1 Equals = ZERO (NEUTRAL Unlimited) = Wholeness.
And where there is wholeness, there is no conflict, war or destruction. There is no constant threats of annihilation. There is no dictatorship. All dictatorships begin in your Emotional-Mind. Whenever you try to dominate your thoughts and feelings and force them to go away and exist in a make-beLIEve broken state of mind, then your fractured emotional-being can be conquered by an even more powerful EGO. But no EGO or group of EGOS can breach a Holistic Mind that pays full attentions to all of its emotions, without seeking to control them. Since this sort of mind is NOT controlling itself and is only Neutrally being aware of ALL of its feelings and thoughts, then nobody can come along and control such a mind. Mind control only works on minds that are internally trying to control its own thoughts and feelings. Neutral examination and learning through it has no domination nor submission involved at all. There is NO CHOOSING between emotional thoughts or feelings. For one understands that one IS ONES Thoughts and Feelings. Therein lies the keys of inward freedom and peace and balance.
You cannot fix physical problems with a broken Emotional-Being. Your Emotional-Being is the foundation of your spiritual being. You cannot build a building without laying a SOLID FOUNDATION (having no cracks). BeLIEfs are cracks in your foundation. These cracks divide the mind between the Conscious and Subconscious and then they compete against each other. Then the corporate system comes along and uses you like a toy and then throws your life away. The corporate masters depend, 100%, on you protecting your EGO. They knew that most people are weak and can't resist the charms of the EGO that likes to hypnotize itself through its desire to want to go beyond itself.
Most people who would like to become fused with a computer only want to do it because they don't like themselves as they are. So they want to improve themselves. After the corporate tricksters seduce your EGO into becoming a Super Human-bot, then they will take over the programming totally and then when you don't be a good little obedient puppet, they will simply delete your cyborg account and you die along with it. They can control your thoughts, feelings and every aspect of your life. You will truly then become a living doll. The Elites owns the computer software source codes, so then they own your 100% if you get hooked up to their tech. Why would you trust greedy, murdering thieves to treat you fairly and not turn on you once they have you where they want you. Elites are hunting the masses. A hunter tricks its prey into a position of grave disadvantage, then the hunter mercilessly slays its prey and then goes out looking to do it again and again and again.
This EGO-based system is obsolete. There is no place for it to exist, for it goes against life. EGO is like anti-matter. Everyday you wake up to find how much more the EGO has destroyed in the world. The Subconscious Collective Ego lives in each of us. The only ones who are shutting it down in a naturally non-violent manner are those who are monitoring ALL of their thoughts and feelings equally and deeply. Neutral Energy is Total Energy. No part of the EGO goes undetected when you detect your TOTAL EMOTIONAL-RESPONSES in each present moment of your daily life. This watching is allowing the Subconscious Collective feelings to be fully expressed and listened to.
Once the Emotions have fully expressed themselves, they naturally fade out of existence. The only thing that keeps EGO going and destroying itself along with the world is each person who is protecting their personal EGO (which is both conscious & subconscious who is at odds within itself). So long as the average man and woman does this, they are giving their mind, body and spirit to the energy vampire Elites. Remember that the vampire cannot enter your home without your approval. So when you protect your EGO (the war within yourself), then you have invited the energy vampires inside. They can take your children, poison your and do anything they like. You have unknowingly been granting the Elites permission to destroy your rights, your health, your spirituality has been traded in for cheap thrills and amusements.
And while we play like little children with their lethal high-tech toys, they are polluting your life on every level. Why do you talk to the ones who run the system like they give a damn about you? Why do you try to reason with insane deranged murderers and thieves? Why do you hold out hope that one day they will do the right thing. Don't you get it? Those at the top and near the top have sacrificed their entire families to have cruel cold-blooded dictatorial power over life, itself. Don't you see that the Subconscious Collective EGO is moving in to take over the entire world?
J. Krishnamurti - Thought Is The Cause Of Fear
However, the EGO has a major blind spot about itself. It does not know that it is a fragment, by design. It is memory. Memory has a beginning and an ending. Whenever a fragment goes to try to take over the WHOLE, it cannot contain the WHOLE, it destroys itself in its attempt to take over the world. Now there are only 2 or so countries left who do not have an Elite central bank controlling it. The moment that they make their move to take the remaining countries, it will backfire, guaranteed. I am making sure that it does backfire by giving my entire life's energy into communing with my WHOLE EMOTIONAL-BEING. As long as there is at least one Human Mind that is connected with SOURCE (SOURCE is NEUTRAL Energy), then I am opening the flood gates of Neutral Emotional Energy into all 3 levels of Consciousness (the Conscious, Subconscious and Subconscious Collective) within my mind, which is non-local. It is not me as an individual that is shutting down the Subconscious Collective; it is the quality of awareness and its NEUTRAL ENERGY that is putting everything in its right place.
Only Neutral-Energy born out of self-awareness without bias can stabilize Human Mind. Thought, knowledge CANNOT bring about freedom from EGO. EGO IS BASED ON FEAR-BASED KNOWLEDGE that the media force feeds us daily. But don't resist the messages. Pay attention to how those messages make you feel and then feel yourself ALL THE WAY. It the sensing and awareness that generates an UNlimited-Neutral Energy that corrects and DISSOLVES all mental divisions within. Then the mind can see how to act and what to do to reverse all of the physical damage that the Collective Subconscious EGO has done to the world. If we fail to understand that there is only ONE WAY TO DISSOLVE EGO without any blow-back, then EGO will take over and totally destroy this world (while thinking that it has saved a little corner for the Elite to survive in). The Elite are not going survive this time because there is somebody in this spiritual world that is facing everything they've got to dish out.
It isn't about me verses the Elite. It is about seeing that the human EGO has reached a point of no return. It can't shrink so it has to try to take over and become a "god". All of the things that the Elite has been doing is only to achieve "godhood". It's twisted conception of being a "god" is domination, deciding who gets to live or who has to die (be sacrificed). There is only ONE CREATOR and that is NEUTRAL ENERGY which gave birth to all atoms containing stabilized duality of the negative and positive. Neutral Energy is SUPREME and is GOD. So die to your EGO, so that it can awaken as a TRUE GOD of WHOLENESS & TRUTH. That which is WHOLE cannot be undone by any fragment (and EGO is most definitely a fragment). To see a fragment as being a fragment means that that seeing is WHOLE UNTO ITSELF. Where there is wholeness, there is no fear of death. You see whenever you look at your mental expressions, that very attention and learning emits a perfect energy that frees the mind from being blind to itself. An awake mind is the mind of GOD!
There is only once last chance and time is running out. The levels of poisons that are destroys life on Earth has a maxing point of no return. The Elites are suicidal. They have underground dwellings. They also have possible dwellings beyond the Antarctica Ice Wall where they pretend no other lands exist. They know various secret places on Earth in which to hide their physical bodies. But I am not dealing with the Elite on a physical level, alone. I am dealing with the very Source Code on a Spiritual-Emotional Level and neutralizing them at their point of original power. They have been using demon spirits to help them take over and hold onto the Human Emotional-Mind. They have put them into a trance state while people speak babble all day long. That babble speak is a sign that they are in a hypnotic spell. By watching my mind I am DISSOLVES ALL FALSEHOODS as they subtly arise.
We all contain the total Emotional History of humanity. Anyone who faces that total history, ends . The history keeps repeating because the people keep burying history and ignoring it. But once you stop running from your ancient past and turn around and face it, honestly, and head on. Then you will find that that brick wall of the past naturally dies away. When evil dies, benevolence is born. Not pretending to be benevolent, but authentic benevolence comes from facing yourself as you are with the understanding that if you try to control what you are facing, then you are dividing yourself. When you divide yourself you are giving yourself to Elites to be devoured, mercilessly.
The only way to deal with pure evil is to understand what it feeds off of then starve it. It feeds off of conflict, division and fear of looking at your mind. Once you no longer fear being in touch with the total content of your emotional-being, then fear has no hold over you. You don't mind physically dyng when your mind is whole because your Spirit will cross over in tact, and you will be given a new body and life by the real God who is Neutral. Also, when I exist this world and my foundation is still WHOLE, then it cause a TOTAL PARADIGM SHIFT in the Collective Subconscious. And, anybody who is holding on to the old paradigm of the EGO (which is the divided Emotional Being that is against itself), will fade into the Neutral Abyss, not hell. Hell is a holding tank for evil spirits to stick around and haunt the living and try to possess your bodies. They will no longer be about to invade this realm of which they have to right to be here. All of this is being resolved everyday.
The worse things get and the more scary things become, the closer that the Root of the Collective Subconscious is disappearing more and more until a tipping point is reached. It is inevitable because the physical world and the suffering little children can't take much more. If EGO reaches a point of poisoning the spirit of infants to where there are no more natural infants left int he world, then the Human Race will cease to exist both physically and spiritually. There must be innocence in the human mind. The infant is the last place of innocence. The Elites are eating their flesh and drinking their blood. Such creatures have forfeited their right to exist anymore. They have no place in this world. The only thing that can DISSOLVE them in the spirit realm is to face your own EGO that they indoctrinated you with in your childhood. If you can face your fear of facing your own thoughts and feelings, then that will free you from the Elite's fear based control. Once you get over facing your Emotional Self, then you are releasing Neutral Energy that DISSOLVES the Collective Subconscious that links our species on the spirit plane.
It does not require the masses to wake up. All it takes is a critical mass that faces their own EGO. Jiddu Krishnamurti started this going and I am finishing it. He represented the male, yang or proton and I represent the female, yin, or electron. Once the 2 halves of the Spirit or Emotional Being holistically pays attention to itself, then the 3rd level of the Collective Subconscious will wither away naturally like a dead leaf dropping off of an autumn tree. To save this world from the crazy EGO that made up all these stupid rules, then we can start to heal and rebuild and world founded in Neutral Self-Awareness.
Alternative media truthers like Michael Tellinger on the YouTube channel who are trying to bring about physical solutions are being controlled by the Elites in the background. You can't deal with a gang of mastermind criminals in the regular way. They are like demonic possession entities so the justice system was made to protect them. Only thing that can shut down their power over your mind is that you have to face yourself and don't stop just because things get uncomfortable. Because if you bow down to evil (EGO) then it will turn around and kick your ass and then blow you away because it is unfair in its very nature. It doesn't care about your loyalty; it will still screw your and your family over. The governments of the world are and always have been secretly or overtly harming their citizens. So if the poor and down-trodden are fed up with being scared of the time and being experimented on without permission, then rise up spiritually and face ALL of your emotional thoughts and feelings. When you face the TRUTH, then the TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE. And, nobody can do that for you.
Stop waiting for Jesus to come back to save the world. Don't you realize that the Elites lied about Jesus coming back. It was a fairy tale, just like the Earth being a globe or the space trips to the moon. Do your own research and you will learn that just about everything we have been told by the authorities is a LIE. And, we the people beLIEved the LIE and protected it in our hearts. It was that very beLIEf in the system (government) that gave them permission to hurt you and your family and the environment. Stop helping those who have kidnapped the world to turn it into a laboratory cage to do whatever they wish to us. Open your mind and stop being a fool for your own EGO which is the chain around your neck that they control you through. They play with your emotions through the TV, ad monitors at the stores to mold your thinking. Everyday you are being handled through your emotions. So learn about your emotional being so that they can't hijack it anymore longer. Then watch how the EGO crumbles and falls apart WITHOUT fighting against it. Remember, Elites can only rule over you when you go into conflict inside yourself by hiding from your feelings, over indulging in them or surrendering to beLIEfs which are the real authorities that keep you down and out.
If what I am saying is deeping upsetting you, then know that that feeling is your EGO and it is the Elite's EGO buried at the 3rd level in your Emotional Being. To end their hold over your mind, you have to face your fears about being in touch with your emotional thoughts and feelings. Without that fear of seeing yourself as you are, then the Elites have no more leverage at all. If they go to try to pull the plug and crash the system while we are spiritually awake and aware of ourselves, they will end themselves. This isn't a guess or non-sense. They will fall apart without you protecting your EGO. They designed a system that established your EGO and made you feel like guarding with your physical life. EGO is PATRIOTISM (a mind-control game) invented by the Elites to keep you being their willing slave and prisoner from generation to generation. When you fight to remain spiritually asleep and blind to your EGO, then you are indirectly responsible for the poisons that they spray over the world. EGO is poisoning the world. If you protect your EGO then you are also supporting the Elites who are currently trashing the world.
Sooner or later they will go so far and then their foundation will implode. They will fight among themselves when we wise up and stop being a sucker for our EGO. I suggest your go rent or buy the movie called, ALIEN (the first version they made). It about people thinking that the threat was coming from the outside in the world. Eventually they awakened to the fact that the monster was inside of them. It is a metaphor movie showing the EGO. All monsters in stories and movies represent the EGO. It has only one mission and that is to terrorize and destroy and make you bow down to it as being your lord and master. I never bow down to my own EGO, first. If you can stop bowing down to your own EGO, then you wont bow down to anybody's EGO. Remember EGO just means a self-projected image of make beLIEve in order to escape from watching your EGO as being your enemy. When you feed your EGO by lying to yourself about yourself, then your physical well being must be sacrificed. To protect EGO is to betray all forms of physical security for our children, for our environment. This problem is to big and complex for mere knowledge to fix. It will take Holistic Self-Awareness while our lives are being threatened everyday.
The Spirit is superior to the flesh because flesh is transient. After the flesh ends, you will be recycled back into life. Who or what will recycle you? Will it be a benevolence force or a malevolent one? Do you truly love your children? What kind of world are you leaving them to live in? If you don't want the Elites to mutate your DNA of your family tree then you need to take responsibility for your life by intelligently facing your Emotional Being. When you face it then therein lies THE TRUTH, which heals all problems. I live by this code of sacredness. Sacred just means that which is WHOLE. The Elites have a broken mind that is super clever, devious and cunning. But it is NOT intelligently wise at all. When you trigger wisdom within yourself, the Elites can touch you and they can't keep poisoning you.
The more people that wake up to the EGO and its tricks it plays on itself, the sooner the Elites and the team of Black Magicians will DISSOLVE into the NEUTRAL ABYSS. That is a COMPLETE DELETION. The Elites are in the process of spiritually deleting themselves because when they try to destroy people that are Neutrally grounded in unbiased self-examination, then it always backfires on them. In the past it never did backfire because the masses were very deeply asleep on the spiritual plane. But now there is a world wide awakening that is picking up strength and speed. The more the Elites try to bring in every poisoning program against the world, the more they are unconsciously blowing away their EGO, too. They are fear-based just like the masses. The only difference is that the Elites know how to manipulate fear masterfully.
But if you don't try to fight fire with fire, then they will off themselves. As I said, the main reason why they are increasing the scare tactics is that they desperately need us to run away from being in touch with our emotions. They need you to hold onto a false god which is BELIEF which can only cause division and conflict and destruction. So either you are grounded in division or WHOLENESS. WHOLENESS is a byproduct of studying and examining how your mind brings about division. When you understand the process of the problem, then process automatically shuts off. The process of division is based on the desire to overcome your thoughts and feelings. Realize that is a trick so that the EGO can maintain its control in your life. It is always seeking to destroy physical balance in your body and in the environment. Nature is all about equilibrium and balance. EGO is about destroy that. There is no such thing as a higher EGO, or a noble EGO or a good EGO. EGO is the Devil as being a divided Emotional Being. There are 2 basic types of Devils, the overt Devil and the Covert Devil who acts like it a hero or savior. Only you can save yourself by facng yourself and learning the TRUTH about yourself. And, then the TRUTH SHALL SET YOU AND THE WORLD FREE.
if people continue to emotionally hide away from facing them throughts and feelings without trying to cover it up with a beLIEf, then it's going to be a huge disaster of the likes of which may never be recovered from. I care not about what might happen. I only know to keep doing the right thing in spite of how bad things look. If i die physically facing this Collective EGO then so be it. But EGO shall always be denied access to my spirit which is rooted in the Universal Soul of Neutrality. So long as you and I stand upon the holistic sacred ground of Neutral self-observation, then all effort s to destroy my life, will surely being a complete collapse of their world. It is not about quantity; it's about QUALITY of PERCEPTION. And they are masters at emotional perception management. But it wont work on the mind of someone who has no fear of facing their Emotional state of mind under any and all circumstance of ones daily living.
EGO is a limited energy and Neutral energy is absolutely UNlimited. So when EGO comes to kill me as it often does, it always backfires because my spirit is not in the domain of the EGO. EGO cannot go beyond the EGO's domain. But when you face yourself, your Emotional Being stops being divided and so it morphs inot a domain that is FREE of psychological fear. EGO IS FEAR - rules by FEAR and is a prisoner of FEAR. Elites fear not being able to dominate the world. It is losing control in the spiritual realm in the emotional realm. The more people stop fearing being in touch with themselves, then you shift from the fear paradigm into the Neutral self-awareness realm. When Elites try to destroy anyone who has shifted out of fear paradigm, then when they try to eliminate your or your children, the self-destruct. Try and find out.
Please don't ask me to hold your hand and help you face yourself. Nobody helps you in the bathroom, or helps you chew your food and digest it. You have to do this for and by yourself. Even Jesus can do this for you. Facing the TRUTH about your Emotional Being (EGO) IS YOUR MORAL RESPONSIBILITY. If you do it, then you have helped to set world free from these demonic Elites so that your children and their children will be able to live in a beautiful world. So face your emotional pain with taking their Frankenstein drugs to numb and dumb down your mind.
Look, the Elites may or may not be human but they are a form of emotional energy. They are just ore distorted and twisted up, that's all. If you can understand that energy cannot be superior or inferior; it's just energy. Your EGO is basically their EGO, it just more twisted up. So when you do face your EGO, honestly and with trying control it, then their EGO on the Collective Subconscious level DISSOLVES more and more until one day critical mass causes the bottom to drop out of the Elites spiritual hiding place. They can't hide when you deal with the Elite through facing your own EGO. When EGO dies clarity and wisdom is born. EGO IS THE WORSE MENTAL DISEASE on Earth.
The CURE IS HOLISTIC-NEUTRAL-UNBIASED examination of your thoughts and feelings. This is their DIRTY LITTLE SECRET that they didn't want the masses to ever find out about. So when you notice that they are giving prophecies of doom, they are trying to get you to be so fearful that you will seek a beLIEf to hide from those disturbing feelings, which are you. So you can't hide from yourself. And when you do hide you are hiding from seeing the TRUTH about yourself. And that is exactly what the Elites do, they hide from TRUTH. GOD IS TRUTH. So whenever you hide from it, you are being a DEVIL, are you not?
So the Human EGO-DEMON is DISSOLVING at its Root Core because is getting more bold and arrogant by acting like it do anything it feels like doing without any consequences. But the consequences is the COMPLETE DISSOLUTION OF THE SOURCE CODE OF THE SUBCONSCIOUS COLLECTIVE EGO. Anyone holding on to that obsolete paradigm is destined to neutralization from within itself (the more steps that the Elites egotistically try to bring about their one-government dictatorship. It wont happen simply because the very nature of EGO is DUALITY meaning there can never be the ONE. EGO can only replicate its own nature which is not based on oneness, it is based on duality. If EGO tries to eliminate its adversary, it shall cease to exist. For EGO is a double-headed snake that can only deceive itself and the world. EGO is limited to those actions. Even its opposite who pretends to be the savior is deceptive and can never bring about freedom.
There can be no freedom through deception. Military and war is based upon deception which is why they rely on mind-control covert tactics. Politicians are rooted in deception so they can't set the world from tyranny. Is there tyranny in your heart? Do you seek to control your emotional thoughts and feelings? Control of your mind is illusion. The one who controls has his own subconscious sabotaging his conscious desires. Elites never have been in control; it's been a grand illusion that people beLIEve. Once you see that you gave them the power to think for you so you can't complain about them abusing you. You had no business handing over your critical thinking and trading that in for group consensus think. Sure they will lie and tell you that you better not be a critical thinker and take responsibility for seeing the TRUTH about your Emotional Being. Call their bluff and do it and see if they really can stop you. They can't stop you from being Holistic, Neutral and in touch with yourself. If they try to punish you for doing what is right, then they shall disappear at the origin of their mental power base.
I have been experimenting with these Truths for 43 years and so far the results remain the same. They send people to destroy my life and I observe my emotional responses to that, then later I notice those who try to bring me harm have mysterious accidents without me doing anything at all. The Elites are esoteric and demonic so none of the conventional methods for dealing with regular psychopaths can have any effect on their level of wickedness. The only thing that can end them is when they try to punish or end the life of a person who is free from their EGO, then their plans backfire and each time their core foundation in the spirit plane is withering out of existence.
So it is the Subconscious Collect EGO that is DISSOLVING into the Neutral abyss so that Earth can heal and happiness can flourish for all the children and Mother Nature. I can sense a major UNPRECEDENTED change is on the horizon Because, Holistic observation is not from the past, it comes from New or Neutral Energy so there is something strange and bizarre is going to happen to the Elites. I can't say when it will happen but it's getting close. It will happen when the Elites decide to implement a major death blow to the Natural Environment and to all living things. That will be the day when around the world the Elites will fall because their reign of terror has run its course and it's time to move on to a New Paradigm of freedom.
I don't want the Elites to stop their campaign of horrors. I am looking forward to the grand finale. I want to see for myself what happens when the Collective EGO moves in for its final death blow toward me and the masses. And by the way, any of the masses who remains loyal to protect their own EGO shall go down along with their opposite partner, which are the Elites. The masses who let fear rule them are the flip side of the coin joined to the Elites. So I do not have a bias in favor of the masses. I don't care who you are or where you come from or what you may look like or how much wealth you may or may not have, if you stroke your EGO, then you are doomed to go down with the sinking Titanic ship with the Elites.
And by the way, the Titanic never sank. They switched an older model ship in place of the Titanic to insure that that ship would sink. The Titanic was new and better built so they swapped it out. But I digress. What matters is that you don't sink with the Elites because they are going down hard and in a manner they have never seen in their lives. They are used to other EGOS challenging them. But they have never dealt with a female mind that is not afraid of itself, emotionally. J. Krishnamurti completed the first half of ending the Collective EGO, and I am completely the last half of this spiritual challenge. I am not fighting it, running from it nor surrendering to the EGO. if you don't do any of those things that feeds the EGO, then when EGO tries to pounce and destroy, it gets itself, instead. This because, a mind that is undivided is a TIMELESS DIMENSION (where no conflict exists). EGO IS RESTRICTED TO TIME and CONFLICT.
So if you deal with the emotional or spirit realm in an honest manner, then you have a mind that is able to deal with any and all challenges of living in an insane world. Those who make up these contradictory rules are clearly unreasonable and are also confused. They are delusional to think that they can destroy the world without destroying themselves, too. They are just as much a part of the Unified Energy Field. So there is no escape for them. Plus they are totally dependent upon the masses protecting their EGO. This is why they are untouchable so far, because people haven't made the connection between their EGO and the Elites' EGO.
The Elites wanted you to hate them so that you will assume that your EGO is different from their EGO and is not entangled with theirs. Go look at the YouTube videos that explains and demonstrates Quantum Entanglement of Non-Local energy. EGO is non-local energy. So when you face it holistically without a single beLIEf, then your awareness and learning from it reaches all nodes in the Collective Subconscious. The fake dogma-based superstition institutions disguised as being religion got you addicted to beLIEf. They made you feel that you can't live without it. Why? Because the handful of Elites run huge masses of people through their blind support of their own EGO. The Elites were counting on your blind devotion to your own EGO. So long as you are afraid to question your indoctrinated thinking, then the Elites own your soul. They already know that most people can't bare to face reality when it comes to their EGO. It is the spiritual test to all mankind.
Stop condemning the Elites and take a good cold hard look at your own EGO and what it is doing. If you shield your own EGO, then you are shielding the Elite's EGO, as well, plus all the creepy things that they do to the world and to the little children all over the world. You can't condemn the Elites, and then go back to serving your own EGO. That would be hypocrisy, would it not? So what's it going to be folks? I know what I'm doing until the end of my days on Earth. I am facing my EGO and watching it DISSOLVE while realizing that my EGO'S DISSOLUTION is quantum entangled with theirs. You don't need a beLIEf in order to live. You just NEED TO BE IN TOUCH WITH WHAT IS UNFOLDING IN YOUR EMOTIONAL BEING. Be still with whatever you think and feel.
EMOTIONAL NEUTRAL SELF-AWARENESS IS THE ONLY KEY TO SPIRITUAL SALVATION - AND ONLY THEN CAN PHYSICAL PROBLEMS BE ADEQUATELY REMEDIED BY THIS NEUTRAL ENERGY OF PERCEPTION. But you must learn to detect deception from within your own mind first before you can see through all forms of deceit coming from others. That is why lies have been so successful for so long because people have been secretly lying to themselves in service to their own personal EGO. Once you humble yourself by looking at how you've been serving Satan (a.k.a., EGO), Then you can be spiritually free from the Elites. And eventually, they will DISSOLVE and all they have stolen from the world shall returned to the Holistic thinking people of the world. There wont be any need to fight for it because they will remove themselves, unknowingly. They don't even realize that they depopulation programs and programs to genetically modify the biosphere will be their final undoing. I am just sitting back watching the theatrics that the EGO is putting on to try to convince the Consciousness to run and hide from itself so that they can retain their dominate position of power over the world. This is not the Elites world. They told us a lie and most people swallowed. They don't have the right to rule us.
And one other thing I would like to point out that I hear people on YouTube in the so-called "truthers" say, which is, everyone has a right to beLIEve anything that they want so long as it doesn't trespass on another's life. Well the very nature of beLIEf is to trespass and convert people or else suffer their wrath. BeLIEf is violence in disguise. It presents itself as being a harmless, benevolent thing. But it's a Trojan Horse virus pretending to be helpful. BeLIEf is unnecessary and detrimental to harmonious living. By claiming that it is reasonable to accept beLIEf as being benign is pure foolishness. The world has gone to war over beLIEving in the media, government and the fake good-will of corporations. For where there is beLIEf (either positive or negative), there must be conflict and unfairness.
Looney Tunes | Wile E Coyote's Top 10 Fails
Wile E. Coyote represents the Subconscious Collective EGO which also includes the Elite is always seeking to dominate the Laws of Nature and always winds up blowing its own head off (and EGO never learns that it is being foolish - EGO chooses to beLIEve that its knowledge will prevail over the Whole-Mind).
Roadrunner is a metaphor for the mind that is grounded in peaceful Holistic Self-Awareness that is not seeking to control anything. Neutral Energy can defy the rules without being destroyed.
When people see things objectively without personal bias, then we are able to get along as a species. Even if there are inter-dimensional beings who have breached our world to try to rule us, they are also a part of this spiritual purging too. No creature can overthrow Neutral Energy simply because it is THE ONE SOURCE of NO VIBRATION. All forms of matter are held by time, vibratons and measure. But Neutral energy contains no negative or positive measurement so it is outside of measurement and time. That is why if an evil intended alien does exist, it can't go outside of the realm of conflict. Conflict can only attack and destroy conflict driven entities. But if you are not driven by conflict, then EGOS who threaten to eliminate you can't make good on that threat. You are rooted in a wholly different ground altogether. So if people want to be safe and be free from wickedness and cruelty, then go within and be with yourself and DISSOLVE your EGO, first. After that, you will see everything with different eyes. You will no longer fear anyone or anything, including death. And then we can help repair our Mother Earth and never allow her to be raped ever again.
That is all.
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