Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Root of Violence

There must be a quality of freedom from the known (the emotional or psychological past). Otherwise, the past will simply continuously repeat the tradition of believing in images (in the hope of attaining some futuristic salvation by way of an “outside” savior of sorts).

The “past” IS “The Observer/Ego”, which is the accumulation of past hurts, beginning in childhood – when his parent(s) told him or her that they were not as good as their brother or sister.

But, what exactly is an emotional pain? What is the entity that gets hurt? And, is it possible not be hurt nor to hurt another?

What is emotional pain?

Jealousy, depression, loneliness, hatred and the feeling of being weak or helpless or desperate. All of these expressions are of one essence, which is psychological fear.

When one compares oneself against another, one is creating a state of envy, which is an expression of fear/emotional distress. Someone has something or behave in a way that I wish to be like, but it is not my nature to express myself that way. So I suffer from envy. Either I will torment myself for not being liker that person that I have compared myself to, or I will rationalize tormenting the person to whom I envy. Either way, that is only furthering my misery because, either way, I am not happy with myself as I am, so I seek to escape from myself by trying to imitate someone. Then, I secretly despise them while I pretend to admire that person. Why does the ego do this?

First of all, the ego is a dualistic emotional state of mind born out of escaping from observing itself. The way it escapes is by hiding inside of a cocoon of emotionally gratifying words (a.k.a., beliefs, ideals, opinions, etc.). Ego always pretends to be the opposite of what it is through words. In other words, it lies to itself, then to the world. It believes the lie to be the truth, however. It does not want to see its mistake, so it attacks the outer world as a distraction from facing its self -deceit.

So... What, exactly, is the entity that gets psychologically hurt? What is the ego? It is your emotional responses to yourself and others. It divides itself from its responses and denies its original feelings by covering them over with the opposite veil of “nice-sounding” words. The word/the description is NOT the described/the actuality. For example, the word “food” does note fill your stomach and nourish your actual real body, does it? The word merely is a suggesting toward the action of getting something to eat. The recipe is NOT the actual meal. It was the map to prepare the meal – a tool.

Emotionally, we have been led astray and misinformed about accepting, without question, words that give us psychological identities for the purposes of inflating our egos and sense of “self-importance” and a dangerous sense of superiority. Ego had divided itself into the “high” & “low”. This gave birth to the projected image we call “God” (high) & “Satan” (low). This was pattern after our human emotions that we divide into the ones we like & dislike. This is psychological division in the very psyche and that brings forth a dualistic, contradictory state of mind which demands respect or will seek to punish.

Therefore, what the ego is, is shattered intelligence (which was whole).

Naturally, the mind was designed by mother nature to perceive its ENTIRE/WHOLE emotional responses. And, through the very HOLISTIC OBSERVATION, of every single emotional response Wisdom/Balance State of Mind/Intelligence is born. Through seeing completely the shattered mind as it is, exactly without the slightest movement to oppose what is being observed (because one can feel the Fact that “I am the past” that cannot put an end to itself). The very perception/seeing of that fact frees the mind from attempting to “improve” itself. A thing that is limited to psychologically “dividing” itself from itself (through the verbalization and the emotional identification with the “What Should Be” or “The Better/Higher”), such a state of division can only beget further division. And, the Eternal Law of Reality (outside of the realm of psychological thought) says that, “Where there is Division, there must be Conflict/Violence” – that is not a man-made law – that is The Law of Objective Facts. Just like there is the Law of Physics, there is a law that has been hidden from most of humanity. And, that law, when broken, brings about devastation to the material world (our health, finances and overall well-being) and is in a constant state of danger.

The root of the Ego is the Fear of Self Observation (without controlling what is observed). The “Observer” IS “The Observed”. The psychological disturbance, no matter what it is, is you – nonetheless. “You” cannot escape from “you”. But, for centuries we have lived through a superstitious notion that we can control ourselves through choosing to identify ourselves with an image that sounds “better that what we are”. An image is from the mind (which is emotional memory). “Love” is eternally whole, whereas thought is not eternal. Thought/ego is just memory. It remembers a certain emotion and regurgitates it and deems that to be “happiness”. That is merely pleasure – like getting high or having sex. Words cannot create a state of wholeness, such as Love or Peace or Sanity.

The root meaning of the, “sacred” or the “holy” is that which is unbroken, whole. When we detect a state of mind that we don't like, we seek to change it or run from it through self-hypnosis of repeating words that stimulate ones emotional imagination. Thought pretends to be “God” by pretending that it can escape from itself by willing oneself to “believe” that the opposite is true and to get other people to play along with the lie (and reward those who play along).

When you take a psychological state of mind that is in pain and attempt to divide that mind away from its pain, you are adding to the pain because any effort to avoid understanding ones state of mind creates even more pain and confusion. When the mind is disturbed and battling itself by opposing the state of mind it doesn't like and seeking to suppress with a blanket of words that deceive, that fragmented mind is emitting a frequency of disturbed imbalance which is also impacting the physical brain that is operating its body. Imbalance in the mind brings about a disturbance in the overall equilibrium of the entire body. A mind at war within is also at war with his or her body, as well (knowingly or not).

The old saying, “Divide and Conquer” is, in essence, the way the ego works. Once the ego gets you to believe in anything (even negative believing is still the same thing – its merely the flip side of the psychological coin). Fact is what is really happening (what one actually feels). The “Opposite Ideal” is born out of the fear of perceiving that state of mind. The mind wants a thing to be true so it tells itself that it is true. It takes many repetitions and others to help fortify the lie and then the comes a point where a person detaches from reality and accept the “Fiction” as being “Non-Fiction”. But the mind can never fabricate wholeness, when it is born out of psychological/emotional memory. All memory is limited, and is therefore not able to produce wholeness. That is why all plans to bring about peace, which is wholeness, fail. War is merely the outward expression of our psychological states of mind.


Psychological Death is the only thing that can end war in this world and inequality. All governments are based on psychological achieving-- a false sense of being more important than another. Control is the sign of the ego. A mind that is whole does not need to control itself. Thought is limited to just wanting more and more. So the nature of thought is to go out of control seeking self-fulfillment of being better than another human being. When you study the nature of thought, you have an insight into limitations of thought and therefore a natural death takes place. Think of breathing, for example: One inhales (Life - In) then exhales (Death – Out). If you divide this and cling to breathing in and resist exhaling, you'll physically die. So the Life/Death movement of breathing is a demonstration of the wholeness of the Life-Death.

When the mind fails to die to all that is false about itself, it bring premature physical death and destruction to the world (through warfare). When the mind is whole and not at war (by imposing images/ideals over its original state of mind), then there is a death to division in the mind and True Order is established in the psyche. Then, the body can function properly and the person will have appropriate behavior. No concepts will dictate right behavior. Right behavior comes from the Pure Observation (of all of ones emotional responses) that gives birth to “Wisdom/Holistic Intelligence”. That can only happen in each present moment. Psychological Death is only in the present. You cannot gradually achieve it. It not a thing to be desired. It not for the purpose of feeling superior to another human being. It's only purpose is to restore sanity and clarity so that we can function in a manner that is safe and healthy and does not destroy our physical world.

There is ONE COMPLEX PROBLEM that is plaguing all of our lives – no matter where you live on this planet. That problem is your psyche/ego. We have been fighting over what to believe for so long, no one ever challenged the mind to find out exactly what “believing” is?

What does it mean to believe?

Does it not mean to take a thing for granted to be factual? Does it not mean that you must not examine nor question this collection of words? Does it not mean that you are psychologically in bondage to an image? When you assume something to be a fact, that is believing.

What caused belief to come into being in the first place? FEAR!

Ergo, “belief” is the child of “fear”.

What is the essence of Fear? IGNORANCE!

Look closely at the word “IGNORANCE” – the root word is : “IGNORE”

When you “ignore” your disturbed state of mind and opt to seek comfort in something that sounds good on the surface, then one is acting out of “ignore -ance”. That is how superstition was born, as well. One is avoiding being aware of that emotional pain.

There is the pain of feeling insecure, then thought comes along and offers a trick to escape from that disturbance (keeping in mind that one IS the very disturbance). You can't hide from yourself. But “believing” that you can anyway, causes a person to turn into a sort of Dr. Jekyll/Mr./Ms. Hyde contradictory state of mind. There is the disturbed original state of mind: Mr. Hyde that is later suppressed by the Dr. Jekyll (“believer” who is in denial about being associated with “Mr./Ms. Hyde). Therefore, thought “believes” in the “Me” (that was put together by desire & willpower) and the “Not Me” (which is the flaw I don't wish to see about myself). The one we favor (we externally equate to as representing the image/concept of “God”). The fact that we seek to hide from (we externally equate to as representing the image/concept of the “Devil”).

The ego seeks help in hiding from itself. So it enlists “friends” only who will tell it lies that will help the ego to hide from seeing the truth about oneself. Anyone who reveals the truth is viewed as being an “enemy”. Violence is inevitable because one justifies being cruel to anyone who would not lie to give psychological pleasure/gratification to ones ego. So a divided mind thinks that it is OK to be mean and vicious toward an “enemy” who does not make one feel superior. Then, the ego contradicts itself by turning around and superficially giving pleasurable flattery to those who stroke its ego. That is why starvation and wars has plagued humanity. The ego cannot holistically be kind to the entire world. It can only pretend to be nice only to those who will bow down its ego and helps it to escape from seeing the truth about itself. And that is considered “love”. But is “love” based on the condition of ego-stroking.

The ego is millions of years old. Our psyches contains the history of humanity. When you read that whole book at a glance, you end that history of violence. Either we are a contributor to conflict or we are not. There is no middle ground. Either you see your ego and that seeing is whole and does not interfere with its observation of itself, or desire intrudes and tries to control itself by opposing Fact with a “fiction” (conjured up from emotional-memorial background) -- and so internal war ensues.

Beliefs all profess to be seeking the light. But, the instrument of “belief” IS the “darkness” (ignorance). It obstructs one from being free to look directly at oneself, without any distortion. When you see what is responsible for “darkness/ignorance”, that seeing is The Light. No one can “see the truth” for another. I can see my mind playing tricks by watching my emotional reactions with full clarity that the “I” is the past (past emotional experiences – both pleasant and not). All reactions are from my past. But the peaceful watching of the emotional past in the present moment, ends that past totally, because there no fragmentation. There is no intrusion to fix myself. The past can never fix the past. It can only pour salt into the wound and pretend that it is not doing that.

When one accepts beliefs, one is doing great violence to oneself, which is a integral connect being to this physical world. When you violate yourself by accept a belief or an ideal to conform to, you are simultaneously related to the world in the very same manner. Politics will not save the world. It operates on the theory that outside agency will rescue us from the world we have made through our psychological ignorance. It is irresponsible to expect someone else to clean up our mess. We made the mess so its our responsibility to resolve it. It can only be resolved by learning, holistically, what is the nature of psychological seeking. When the mind seeks it can only seek the known, which is limited to dividing itself through believing, period. It is superficial to argue over “what to believe”. Poison is poison no matter the different types – result is the same, is it not?

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