is important to see, is it not?, that no one can give us freedom from
the conflict of relationship. We can hide behind the screen of words,
or follow a teacher, or run to a church, or lose ourselves in a
cinema or a book, or keep on attending talks; but it is only when the
fundamental process of thinking is uncovered through awareness in
relationship that it is possible to understand and be free of that
friction which we instinctively seek to avoid. Most of us use
relationship as a means of escape from ourselves, from our own
loneliness, from our own inward uncertainty and poverty, and so we
cling to the outer things of relationship, which become very
important to us. But if, instead of escaping through relationship, we
can look into relationship as a mirror and see very clearly, without
any prejudice, exactly what is, then that very perception brings
about a transformation of what is, without any effort to transform
it. There is nothing to transform about a fact; it is what it is. But
we approach the fact with hesitation, with fear, with a sense of
prejudice, and so we are always acting upon the fact and therefore
never perceiving the fact as it is. When we see the fact as it is,
then that very fact is the truth which resolves the problem.
Krishnamurti: The Collected Works, Vol. VI",207, Choiceless
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