My philosophy on life is to live by facts alone, which is truth. There is no greater good than to perceive exactly and completely what is actually taking place in ones emotions, psychologically -- just to study what one feels very deeply.
This area of life is not really understood. It is commonly presumed that identifying with some ideal, dogma or belief will shield one from harm and will elevate one to feeling superior/greater than his/her fellow man/woman. This breeds hostility and conflict. But all (psychological/spiritual/political) systems oppose the direct observation of ones erroneous presumptions/conditioned thinking.
Society is sick (at odds within itself deeply). Human consciousness on a whole is suffering from its programmed training "to egotistically become" the so-called "better" or "higher" Self, without fully understanding that the "becomer" is nothing but memory/the past experiences. So for centuries Humanity has been repeating the past and only tweaking the modifying the peripheral effects. Meanwhile the "ROOT" of conflict remains virtually ignored, on purpose. We are programmed to distract ourselves from coming into direct, holistic contact with "How our thinking creates conflict and then blames it on someone else. Ego denies what it is doing.
There is great confusion because we do not distinguish between "what is actual" (not based on anyone's personal opinion) and "what one desires reality to be" (based on emotional escapism from any disturbing thought or feeling). Part of what it means to be intelligent is to be able to distinguish things clearly. However, where there is any emotionally-based image or ideal is imposed, then our ability to perceive things clearly is corrupted/fragmented. There is a division between the FACT & NON-FACT. NON-FACT is our ego demanding to dominate reality to our desired end in view. This is the very origin of conflict.
Conflict is the action of opposition. We are oblivious to the fact that conflict can only produce further conflict. The concept that violence can bring about peace is an ancient deceptive error that has maintained itself through threat of death if we do not conform to building up and defending our own egos. This is the very essence of our system. It is being fueled by our consent to remain ignorant about what we are doing. We are programmed to rationalize any kind of horror by claiming it is being done for the sake of the "greater good". Goodness as a fact has nothing to do with ideals about "goodness".
Look, can you tell the difference between eating a meal, actually in the present moment and filling your stomach gradually filling full? Then, there is a TV commercial that shows you a video of a delicious-looking meal. The former is fact; the latter is fiction. Why? Because one actually supplies real energy to your body so that you can stay alive. The other is an emotional stimulation and that is all it is. We are in trouble because the human race, for the most part, has placed their highest allegiance to the image that stimulates hope. And, where there is hope it must go along with its counterpart -- "fear" underlining that ideal of "hope".
We're drown in a sea of psychological images all opposing one another, both within our consciousness and with our human encounters. We demand psychological identification with each other, not realizing that such identifications breed disaster for the physical/factual world. We are greedy, psychologically. Always demanding to be fed emotional ideal/beliefs. Yet at the same time demanding to be physically secure, as well. There is a law, not made by the mind of man, but that law is a FACT, not my opinion or belief or desire -- it is actual regardless who likes it or not. No amount of power or money can change this law. This law can be observed in your mind if you will look and it is the same law for all human beings no matter who they are.
The law is: As long as the psyche fights against FACTS, it cannot sustain its physical well being. The requirement to serve ones ego is to sacrifice the physical. To show your devotion to an ideal or image, you must be prepared to give up your life (the reality of you, your body and all of your property) in order to prove that you have achieved an image of "superiority". Hitler is a good example, as well as Jesus. They both died for an image that they thought was good. So propaganda throughout world history has always promised an emotional ideal of bring salvation or relief of of some kind. But in the end, the promise always turned out to be unreal. Take Rev. Jim Jones. They believed and what happened to their physical security.
One might say that there are wealthy people who believe. They have physical security. Do they really? Or, do they not have to use a portion of their wealth to hide from their enemies. You see as long as you believe, you are plagued by enemies no matter how powerful position one might hold. Study the history of the monarchy families. They had private civil wars in order to gain psychological superiority. The rulers stabbed and slashed their way to power.
We human beings are still primitive on a psychological level. Technological achievements masks our psychological natures. We assume that just because we can memorize information and can operate complicated machines, therefore, "I am civilized and intelligent". That is the basic image most people have about themselves. We also think that just because we believe in emotional words, that makes us somehow those words. But is that so? Is the word the thing?
Is the word "food" able to take away my hunger and give me energy? Can the word "love" bring about that state of being? The word is simply a description of something real. In the land of emotions, the word becomes the reality.
For example people are programmed to believe that they are part of a race. Is that race biological or is that a psychological identification? Biology is factual, not created by the mind. It is a fact that cannot be denied. On the other hand, a race is based on people agreeing to call themselves a race name and then tribalism began. Hence warring gangs began. The identification to an image begets war/violence. There is only a single human race of homo sapiens. That is our biological species which is also interconnected to the rest of the ecological environment. Our bodies are reality that is directed hardwired to this planet. The proof that this is a fact is simple. You must eat and drink water on a regular basis because we are biological beings, first and foremost.
Humanity took a wrong turn and sustained that mistake to the present day. The wrong turning was the presumption that, "As above, so as below." Psychologically the woman is considered "below". The man is considered as representing the "above". The "below" is what the conditioned thinking mind of man considers to be inferior. The "above" is that which humanity bows down to. The material world is classified as being the "inferior/below". The ideal is what is called the "Master Image", which we are prepared to sacrifice our physical security for. Look at how people join the military to fight for an ideal, and they have to sacrifice their health and/or their lives. Their families are elevated to an emotional/psychological standard of superiority status. People have gone along with their programming, yet they cry about the side-effects of such thinking. This why I say society is ill, psychologically. We are functioning from fragmentary thinking and refuse to study it so that we can be free to live in peace and everyone can have physical security. The reason why some people are poor while others are wealthy or middle-class is because his entire system right throughout the world is based on the Human Ego, which is psychological becoming, which is conflict, which is based on ones emotional desires. Desire is prejudice and bias. Therefore, inequality is the inevitable result. No ideal can ever bring about peace, equality and preserve our planet's ecological balance.
Our planet is under attack by the psyche of the entire Human Race. This emotional ego-based world is systematically dismantling our environment and replacing it with artificial substitutes. Since we are living off of images, which in essence is nothing but emotional memory, and memory is the storehouse of past emotional experiences. This is why history is taught in schools, in order to maintain past hatreds to fuel the past wars and continue them on and on and on. We are instructed WHAT WE SHOULD EMOTIONALLY FEEL. For instance, we "should feel identified with our so-called country". Is a country a reality or is it an image based on emotional experiences of past sacrifices to an image of belonging to a war group. It is assumed that we must have a military or violence to be safe. But it is all of these military organizations choking us to death with their technological covert weapons of mass destruction. Our air is being pumped with lethal toxin that are upsetting the natural balance of nature, which has sustained our entire species for millions of years.
Yet the human ego bites the hand that feeds its biological existence. Without biology, psychology can't exist. The ego (our emotional biased reactions, thoughts, feelings) feels that it is more important that the physical world, simply because it can use images and ideas to shape the physical world to its desires. Yet, the physical ca first. And, without the physical the ideal is gone. If there were no more human bodies, how can anyone read all of the books that thought has left behind to remember its experiences? So if we destroy our bodies, which is what is happening (by living off of artificial substances), there will eventually come a point where the ego will become so fragmented that the human body will be unable to function. The greater the ego, the more it inhibits the natural functions of biology. Now the ego is playing with DNA. Why?
Because, the ego is playing "God". It is pretending that it owns life. It does not own reality. The foundation of reality is pure energy. I am not talking about forms of energy life, water, air, nutrients. If you will explore into this you will find that the essence of life is energy which animates all life forms. Humans are a life form, and all other creatures and the universe with its elements and organisms. Now then. The point is that energy is running life, not memory. Energy runs our brains. Energy is immortal. Energy is indestructible. You can kill a creature but the energy that was inside of that creature was not touched at all. All energy returns to its source of all energy. When a battery runs out of energy, the battery is dead. But energy cannot die. Energy simply goes on creating endless life forms.
My point is that the human ego of the powerful humans think that just because they can kill many life forms or alter its DNA that it can be THE MASTER OF LIFE. How absurd. No matter how many life forms you destroy, thought/human mind can never destroy energy itself, which after all is responsible for us breathing every single day. Our bodies are merely batteries. The ghost in the shell is our image we have about our emotional selves. Until we study this ghost within this human shell, we shall sacrifice our shells to an UNREALITY that has been made important through emotional propaganda to cause fear of not conforming to that image.
Without self-understand or self-awareness, life is frightening and lonely. A free mind is one that has the freedom to face the facts about itself. Failure to face facts/reality is insanity. To be out of touch with that which is actual, is to be delusional and deadly. Ego is a 2-sided imaginary, psychological coin. It is like a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde that strongly believes that they are separate entities. That would be like, if your arms could think the right arm saying that it is not connected or associated with its left arm. It flatly denies that. Psychologically we have desires that we call "bad" THOUGHTS/FEELINGS. As long as we believe that we are different from what we think, we shall try to suppress the dark side of our psychological coin of consciousness and worship and identify with the vain or "good" thoughts/feelings we have about ourselves. That is a split in the psyche of the Heads & Tails, with the idea/belief that Heads and Tails are 2 separate coins. But the FACT IS that ALL OF OUR THOUGHTS & FEELINGS ARE ONE COIN -- THE ME -- THE EGO.
The Ego arises whenever we use an image to oppose facts about ourselves that we wish were not so. So we identify with the opposite and call that being moral and righteous. There is nothing sacred about about memory (no matter if that memory is emotionally based). Memory is a dead thing that is measurable. Whereas the act of PERCEIVING, SEEING EXACTLY "WHAT IS TAKING PLACE IN PSYCHOLOGICAL" RESPONSES in my relationships with another, that is the mirror in which I can detect the movement of thought/ego.
When we see a problem, we are trained to take over that problem and bring about a change for the better or to resolve that problem. But if the image is the problem, all thinking is image, well it cannot move. Thought thinks that it has all the answers to lifes problems. So it thinks that it can think its way out of psychological confusion. All thinking adds to that confusion. Ego objects to the action of watching alone. Ego contends that there must be more complicated solution to a complicated problem. That is mere am idea based on desire to be in control of all things, including itself. The fact is that the simple approach is the only answer to bring about an undisturbed mind that is clear and no longer a threat to physical security (its own body on out to others). We are addicted to conflict. We are allergic to the facts. That is why whenever someone points out the truth about the ego, it pretends not to understand. But deep down it knows that if it faces reality, its entire artificial world that is based on images that oppose reality would end. It could no longer feel superior or inferior. It would be in a state of holistic love and cosmic intelligence. Physical security would be able to balance itself again.
As long as people insist on living encased in their psychological identities, the physical world will continue to disintegrate. Disintegration begins psychologically when we oppose a thought, feeling that we dislike and try to replace it with an image that we like. The replace he real with the unreal is corrupt, violent and immoral. A foundation that is cracked (cracked by a belief/image of "what should be") -- no matter how impressive the structure you build on top of that fragmentary foundation, psychologically/emotionally, it cannot be sustained. That is why all of the great empires in the past fell. And they will continue to rise and fall, because all empires are built upon the psychological foundation of human thinking. That is why it is the most important responsibility to be aware of exactly how we create conflict with our thinking that "the better" ideal is a noble endeavor. What is noble about destroying our world? Look it up and you can do your own research and see the damage taking place in the atmosphere, the biosphere and our children are becoming brain damaged on a scale that is historically unprecedented. Why?
We think that knowledgeable people have our best interest at heart. What we fail to realize is that they are just as much a slave to their psychological images and anyone is. They will do almost anything to maintain their prestige. The ego is after the same thing and that is to continue no matter the consequences. I originally pointed out the fact that conditioned thinking is an illness. But unlike a physical ailment that can be easily remedied, the Ego is the most difficult sickness to cure because you cannot use any positive approach to cure it. Any positive approach (an approach based on an image) will only feed the sickness. It is like a computer virus that has programmed itself to feed off of opposition. If you take a positive image or a negative image to fight the ego to bring it down, it will grow stronger because it is kept going by any form of opposition.
The facts of life are not in opposition with the ego. It is the ego that is in opposition to reality. Reality is based on the Energy of Life that animates all life forms. Life forms have one common function and that is to understand its nature so that it can operate in balance and harmony.
The ego is anti-matter, literally. It is strictly an imaginary creature, like a cartoon. Sure you see pictures that stimulate emotional responses, but that is a self-centered, ego-based indulgence. The more the ego stimulates itself, the more it demands more and more stimulation. Example, a group may overthrow another group. After their victory, they crave to overthrow another group. It is like a bottomless pit of wanting more and more people to tell that group that they are superior. This is an irrational exercise because the material world must be stripped in the process of elevating the ego. Ego wishes to be rich by damaging the food chain with DNA scrambling. Who knows what the long-term effects will be caused to generations to come and to the entire food chain. The ego only cares that it has left its mark so that it sends a message that I am the ruler of this world (no matter how messed I have made it). It is all about "MY EMOTIONAL OPINION OF WHO I AM". It was A Greek philosopher who once said, "I think, therefore "I am".
Unfortunately, no one really understands the "I". After all, Ego is the result of "Self" ignorance. That means to deliberately ignore what it is ACTUALLY doing. The image tells itself that, "I am calling myself a certain race or nationality for the greater good." The "greater good" is double-talk for meaning that I am serving my own psychological interests so that "I" can stand out above the rest. That is the very nature of ego. All humans (minus those in comas and whatnot) are faced with the same challenge of their ego. Will we allow that ego to dominate our lives and those around us, or will we investigate HOW WE PRODUCE CONFLICT. One can only come upon freedom, not by dreaming up an image about freedom and destroying anyone or anything that gets in your way of achieving that psychological, but by detecting for yourself what is false. You can only arrive at the Real by first Seeing or being Aware of that which is UNreal. Whenever thought tries to directly seek the Real, it is only chasing its own tail (the image/the unreal).
You see here is how the hoax began and is being sustained to this present day. Thinking says that I have to think for physical reasons. Thinking is using images. I use images to do all physical activities. One needs to learn words and mathematics, etc. The image has its natural place. Memory is necessary in order to carry out the daily activities of taking care of our biological needs.
Thought cunningly presumes that just because the image/memory is a necessity where material needs are concerned, it is also just and necessary for being related emotionally to one another. The moment we use images for emotional fulfillment, we are being egotistical and causing conflict between the image I have made of my myself, instead of observing ALL of my thoughts/feelings/emotions. We divide out thinking into good & bad and fight/oppose the bad thoughts with images that its opposite. Any psychological opposition creates internal conflict between "what I actually feel that is disturbing" and "what I wish to feel". Fear is born because there is always the fear that I will not be able to always fulfill my desire to be more than what I am. It is a form of psychological greed -- wanting more than the actual state of mind. Seeking the more, psychologically produces frustration and loneliness. One is isolated and encapsulated in n imaginary cocoon. But underneath the image is the Read. The ground is always there no matter how much concrete you lay over it, psychologically speaking.
The ground is the fact. At the end of the day, facts remain. That is why the ego of humanity has repeated history for eons and has failed to get satisfaction.
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