Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Unknowing Wolves In Sheep's Clothing Propagandist Are Deceptively Dangerous

This is a review of a video that I just watched:

On the surface, it sounds inspirational and benevolent. However, its message is polarized with the global dictators. Overall, the message of the video is to emotionally buy into a concept of 'love', which is based on 'choice' and 'willpower'. This video invites the viewers to 'positively oppose' the oppressors of the masses. They suggest that we just rely on our 'positive' emotions as a shield against the brutal messages that are bombarding and infiltrating our environment.

They refer to cycles of time with regard to our consciousness. The video directs us to accept that our conduct and morality is dictated by the cycles of the star, Sirius. It would appear that they are saying that at certain times in the cycle, human consciousness is under the influence to lean either toward acting out of pleasure or out of pain. They don't use the term, "pleasure" (they call it 'love'). But, LOVE is NOT dependent on outer circumstances. It is based on a TOTAL attention and insight into the entire psychological conditioning of our 'Ego'.

In this video, they advise people to CHOOSE not to be afraid. When thought does that, it is rooted in fear, but projecting an outward show of being unafraid. The people in the video are opposing their fear and ACTING like they are free of psychological fear. This is a classic case of DENIAL, which is a subtle, cunning escape into an IDEAL (of 'love').

It is the same old mistake that people have made down through the ages. The 'wolves-in-sheep's-clothing' assume that their wishful thinking will protect them and they shall rise up to prevail. Whenever you CHOOSE to OPPOSE a barbaric state of mind by emotionally identifying with nice-sounding-ideals, you inevitably invite a bloody revolution. And, whenever that revolution is global, it threatens to end the entire world. Go check out this video to find out evidence that Humanity has already been down this road, and it cause a Great Deluge, which wiped out and traumatized our consciousness and we had to start all over again to rebuild and rediscover our technological knowledge; the video title, "Secret Space Secret Past" can be found here: 

Thought, psychologically, is the past, and its unconscious mission is to repeat history, but modified. Be ware of the comforting language that is being conveyed in the video at: called, "This will change your life, true knowledge of consciousness a MUST SEE for the human race!" Yes, it looks convincing whenever a group gathers together to concentrate on a single 'idea of love', but as soon as the concentration stops, then crime returns. It's like holding ones breath for a long time, then you have to eventually exhale. It is a temporary illusion of peace, that's all it is. People are merely obeying another system of thought that they like. But, this is not Holistic Love (which is grounded in NEUTRALITY). 

[Be Ware - Wolves-In-Sheep's Clothing]


Some of the people interviewed in the video claimed that it is best to focus on 'positive' feelings/thoughts that will bring so-called bliss, and ignore, suppress your 'negative' feelings/thoughts, because they bring suffering into the world. This is false. It is not a question of focusing on one of those opposite states of mind. As I have pointed out in other blogs I've written, the consciousness is comprised of both opposite halves of energy. It is like a sub-atomic energy called entanglement where a wave and particle have a direct impact on each other no matter how far away they are from each others half. 

Whenever we rebel against one half of our nature, we are triggering a split in our mind. Then, the one who seeks to conquer you is then able to succeed in that endeavor. Two conflicting or opposing "destructive interfering waves" must cancel each other out. 

*Reference: Dr. Courtney Brown, Ph.D at: 

"Beyond (2015) : Zero Point Volume IV - Left Hemisphere Edition".  [video time-stamp 46:24]

Dr. Brown carefully explains 'constructive interference frequency waves' and 'destructive interference frequency waves'. We are mental energy in the form of frequencies. Either they are harmonious or disharmonious interacting frequency waves. It has been proven that our lives are governed by Quantum Physics. I recommend this video showing how it was discovered. And, at the end of Albert Einstein's life, he admitted that our world is based on Quantum Physics. There are a couple of quotes by Einstein in this video at:  

"The Simulation Hypothesis - Documentary 2015"

This video very clearly explains exactly how the sub-atomic frequencies materialize our macroscopic reality in our daily lives. 

"The Simulation Hypothesis - Documentary 2015"

This substantiates what Jiddu Krishnamurti was talking about when he eluded to the fact that "You are the world and the world is you." So it would behoove one to be careful about OPPOSING anybody, because sub-atomically our consciousness is -->> ONE ENERGY! This is why J. Krishnamurti takes a radically different approach to the challenge of conflict. In order to truly be free of conflict, one has to see the fallacy of rejecting 'negative' feelings/thoughts or visa versa, because our consciousness is just like night-time/day-time, to reject one is the destroy the other half of that totality.

So when we are faced with people who are in conflict seeking to make us be in conflict, then after they have thrown a challenge at you, you must embrace your emotional response. I don't mean that you must like your response or dislike it. I mean to simply be in full contact with whatever you feel or think whenever someone has stimulated you either 'positively' or 'negatively'. The spiritual challenge is all about your FREEDOM TO PAY FULL ATTENTION TO ALL EMOTIONAL RESPONSES! And, in deeply listening to your inner mutterings and feelings, you allow that flower to full bloom; tell its story, and then it naturally withers out of existence, without the slightest effort or resistance against any feeling or thought. This is the natural NEUTRALIZATION of the emotional reactions, which is your psyche. But, after the 'positive' or 'negative' emotion has fully expressed itself in your mind, then your energy frequencies are born out of PURE NEUTRAL LOVE. NEUTRALITY is completely UNBIASED.

Whereas, in the video called, "This will change your life, true knowledge of consciousness a MUST SEE for the human race!", there is bias to choose to believe in the ideal of 'love'. That implies opposition to the 'negative' established rulers. This is subtle passive-aggressive psychological warfare. If you look at the video called,
"The Simulation Hypothesis - Documentary 2015", you will better understand why any conflict will always come full circle, and the pain you dished out will be dropped back into your lap (which could also spread into the lives of your children, as well).

I am writing this message to warn people to be ware of any messages that are emotionally appealing to you to favor either the 'positive-over-the-negative' or visa versa. Because, to CHOOSE either way is BIAS and destroys being in Holistic-Neutral Contact with your TOTAL MIND, psychologically. I am not talking about the left-brain memory we use for technical tasks and whatnot. I am only referring to our Emotional Being with regard to LOVE, PEACE and the Ego's Natural Transformation through communing with it (without being for or against its negative or positive expression).

Propagandists tell you what is the 'right or wrong action' to take. But, there is really only ACTION that is adequate in ALL circumstances. So we must begin, not by seeking the so-called 'right action', but understand very clearly what is 'wrong action', which is any action that is born out of emotional bias (like or dislike). Neutrality is not done because one either 'likes' or 'dislikes' it. It is intelligent NOT to destroy oneself and the world. The word Cosmos means Order. Order is balance. You can't tell me that both sides of the global conflict is talking about Order. Because Order is Balance, which can only happen in the ground of UNBIASED Observation of Ones Emotional Responses. When the word "Order" is used with regard to the political agenda of NWO, they mean "Order" as in, "FOLLOW & OBEY ORDERS" dictated by their egos.

Whereas, Cosmic Order is to Balance Energy Frequencies. When one CHOOSES to cling to 'positive' emotional thoughts/feelings and deny or ignore their 'negative' responses or visa versa, then one is splitting their mental-atom. HOLISTIC OBSERVATION IS THE MENTAL NEUTRON. But once you have CHOSEN to play favorites by clinging onto one half of your emotional expression and suppressing the other half, then both halves are grounded in its own fragmented, incomplete energy.

Only Neutral Energy can bring balance and harmony to the opposing energy frequencies. Without a Neutral-Grounding, the two sides will cancel each other out. That is what the Quantum Physics "Destructive Interference Waves" experiments proved.  There are only 2 fundamental mental states of being, you are either in a state of Harmony/Order (Creation) or in a state of  Disharmony/Disorder (Destruction). One is either dividing through choosing an emotional side, or one sees the detrimental fallacy of psychological choice and that insight halts the action of choosing, altogether. You don't choose to be neutral or unbiased. Because that is just a trick born out of bias.

Regardless if the message sounds 'positive' or 'negative', they both represent a state of  Disharmony/Disorder (Destruction). Our daily challenge of living involves seeing through the illusory messages given either by the 'wolves' or the 'wolves-in-sheep's-clothing'!

 Is There Action That Is Right In All Circumstances? 

Monday, April 25, 2016

Ego Must Be Understood Before Connecting To The Ethereal World

Scientific Experiments Confirms
Consciousness Is Sub-atomically One Whole
Parts Of It Is Disconnected From Its Spirit
That Is Seeking To Overtake Destroy All Spirits
The above video is the 4th in the movie series, you are welcome to view. But, I found that this video clarifies the hard fact of why things are getting more intensely dangerous in the world. In order to intelligently deal with this challenge that all life on Earth is facing, we have to UNDERSTAND WHY things are the way they are and how we may be  knowingly or unknowingly contributing to it. This video proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the answer lies in being clearly aware of the problem. If you see what the problem is, then it is no longer a problem.
Once I was bewildered why I couldn't hear anything from my speakers. I had assumed that I had the volume turn up. So based on that false assumption, I unplugged my speak system and reconnected it. When I played the video, I still couldn't hear sound. I was trying to share a video with a guest visiting me, and I was a bit nervous and distracted by his being present. So I wasn't totally in touch with dealing with my equipment. Then, all of a sudden it occurred to me to check the volume knob. It turned out that it was turned all the way down. The point is that we are forever seeking answers outside of ourselves, because we think the problem is out there. But, the problem lies within us.
This video reveals that there is hard evidence indicating that the quantum realm is a singularity, which means that all forms of life is energy that is interconnected. That means that when we say or do anything, it is affecting the entire world (even the Universe). To destroy another is to destroy your own life. Even if sadistic people continue to live after bringing harm to others, they are also harming their lives, as well. Let's say, hypothetically, that the sadistic people were to get their way and wipe out the masses and enslave the rest, then wouldn't the so-called elite be constantly competing with each other to be the ultimate ruler? Furthermore, a disorderly world based on violence and fear must implode in on itself, because energy cannot exist without balance.
It is the Zero Point (or Vacuum Space) that gives balance to the vibrational energy. Take Zero out of the equation of reality and nothing would work. The computers run off of ONE & ZERO. Atoms are 90% Zero Vacuum Space, and all matter, including the brain and thought, are atomic and subatomic. Instead of viewing life emotionally, see it as it really is, it is ENERGY that is either a constructive wave or a destructive wave. Check out the segment in the video found at timestamp 46:24 where Dr. Courtney Brown, Ph.D. (Boulder, CO) June 2012 give a lecture on "Remote Viewing". Listen very carefully where he talks about proven experiments that confirm that we are all connected, sub-atomically and that it is IMPOSSIBLE to separate our Macroscopic World from the Microscopic World -- they are one world. So whenever we pretend to be separated by 'race' or 'nations' or and emotionally-based divisive group and then attack them, we are, in essence, attacking ourselves.
Is There A Way Out of The Crisis In The World

We have been indoctrinated by mastermind criminals masquerading in business suits with their wealth and degrees dictating to the masses and their children WHAT WE SHOULD THINK instead of paying attention to the FACTS! For only the comprehension of THE TRUTH, shall set us free from psychological slavery. So listen very carefully and learn exactly how the masses are being played. Then, you can see that the only threat to our well being is our own ego that we have allowed ourselves to be driven by. It is emotional division that is destroying the world, everyday. And, if we don't wake the hell up and stop being a pawn in a game that NOBODY can win, then we only have ourselves to blame when our consciousness goes along with sophisticated thugs and their insane plans. There is NO need to attack them, for you become the thing that you attack, and that is what they want us to do. Instead, turn your attention on yourself and learn about your mind so that you can stop helping make things to get worse and worse in the world.
I am only speaking to those who seriously give a damn about the world, not just YOUR OWN HAPPINESS. For there is no such thing, since we are all interconnected. Look at the proof that we are ONE and that our planet is a LIVING ORGANISM, which is dying. So that means that we are also doomed to becoming extinct, if our planet dies because crazy people with tons of money are trashing everything, just because they want to scare Humanity into surrendering to them so that they can treat us like lab rats to experiment on and kick around and amuse themselves with. Because they are empty, meaningless entities who are unbalance forms of energy that must rob us of our energy in order to be able to stay in existence. They can't regenerate themselves. They are degenerates seeking to capture our energy. They are ego tripping and trying to play 'God'. And if they can't do it anymore, then they are trashing our world in order to deprive us of being happy. The only thing we need to do is study our egos and see it for what it is. Seeing THE TRUTH is THE LIGHT. Ego can only exist is DARKNESS. So look at yourselves. Stop blaming the elite. They will automatically self-implode, as a result of us dying to our egos. That will usher in a brand new World Order based on cooperation and consideration.
Dr. Courtney Brown said that the scientific instruments have confirmed that there are only 2 types of quantum energy waves: either constructive or destructive. Ego produces a destructive frequency wave. We've been programmed to be afraid of seeing our conditioning. It almost seems like we will die if we do it. But, that's only a fail-safe put their in our childhood so that we dare not look too deeply at ourselves. For the masters knew that if we ever found out that the key to our salvation from tyranny was to see THE TRUTH about our ego, then they would no longer have the ability to rule us. And, the slavery system that convinced us that we have to pay for our very lives, is a BLATANT LIE!
They erected this hoax of earning a livelihood. Nothing else in the entire world or Universe is paying for their lives. Nothing else in the world or the Universe is "buying & selling" life. That is an artificial game setup in order for one small group can treat us like cattle to be corralled and slaughtered when it suits the masters. The only thing making it possible for this hideous way of life to continue is our fear of dying to our ego, which is our idol that has led us to hand our lives over to power-mad, soulless monsters. We've been in a co-dependent relationship with serial killers (disguised as our leaders). Why accept any leader? When you can be your own leader and see THE TRUTH for yourselves. 


Monday, April 18, 2016

All Possibilities

...when one seriously questions what is going on with 'myself'.

Quantum Mechanics

David Icke Reviews:

Living In A Quantum Computer Universe - April 5, 2016

AWAKEN to find out what psychological programs are driving my life in a pattern of fear of change and ridicule for changing.

Humanity is facing great intimidations in an effort to drain our spiritual energy and our very lives into a meaningless oblivion.

Quantum physics has REVEALED that we are nothing but Atomic Energy encoding electric signals through our holographic-biological brain. AND, that these messages can be seen by an Infinite State of Awareness only if we understand that there is more to us than just the FIVE-SENSES (left brain function).

It is also true, based on the evidence shown in Quantum Physics, that our right side of our brain has a doorway to a reality of "All Possibilities" in dealing with the daily challenges of living.

Each of us must ask ourselves, "Am I willing to accept a life of meaningless, narrow-minded blind acceptance from the so-called 'powers that be'? Or, do I dare stand up and not bow down to anyone or anything, and face the facts as they are (while facing my emotional responses)?

After facing how I feel, then I can calmly see what I need to do in any given situation. This is necessary, not only for my personal benefit, but for the mental liberation of my species.

And, for those in my species that has thrown in the towel to allow their lives to be DICTATED and HIJACKED, unfortunately, they have sealed their own fate and they will have to suffer the consequences (by their own choice).

David Icke, in this video interview, says that we have to use knowledge and make choices. I don't deny that. However, when it comes to BEING IN TOUCH with the mental programming of limited emotional reactions, one must choicelessly be in full contact with that emotion (like a flower that blooms and listen to its story and then it naturally dies). Then, it will be clear what mechanical choices one can make. Or, the adequate action will be clear so that there really is no choice.

If I wake up to realize that I'm driving off a cliff, it is perceptive clarity that causes me to steer the car back onto the road. Clarity of Perception shows the only sane response to the situation. 

We are all facing a terrible spiritual crisis that governs our FIVE-SENSE reality of physical security. We've been brainwashed to approach this problem in a backwards way. We erroneously have been programmed to think about SOLUTIONS TO PHYSICAL PROBLEMS, first. And, that usually leads to bloody revolutions, which makes us come full circle to reset the game to unfold yet another nightmarish challenge.

To stop this revolving door of catastrophe after catastrophe, one needs to fully study the PROJECTOR OF THE HORROR FILM. Having the FREEDOM to EXAMINE 'MY PROGRAMMED RESPONSES' is what shuts off our 'PROGRAMMED REACTIONS'. The movie continues to play simply because we have failed to SEE that it is a FALSE directive. One has to detect the falsehood, then we stop driving off the cliff by obeying tyranny. To obey tyranny is to approve of tyranny and to become an integral part of tyranny. And, to force the children of Humanity into meaningless, painful and confusing lives. 

If we truly care and love our children, we will face the fear within, not to do battle with it, but to COMMUNE with fear (let it tell its story then it withers away like a storm passing by). Then the ENERGY from holistic attention to my programmed thinking, releases Intelligent-Wise Clarity to act appropriately. When Holistic Consciousness is in the driver's seat in our lives, then we are open to ALL POSSIBILITIES so that we no longer feel helpless, limited.

Our programming makes us feel like we can't do anything about these mounting problems on the FIVE-SENSE level. But is you take a deep breath and step back and logically reason out the fact that our beings are atomic fluid energy, then the problems we are facing is FEAR, which is just a frequency or vibration which can be embraced for the purpose of understanding, not acquiescing.

The vibration of LOVE is Unlimited Energy (i.e., ALL POSSIBILITIES) to any challenge of life. This is NOT theoretical. Quantum Physics proves it is a fact that our lives are an outcome of our Perceptions. Either those perceptions are biased or unbiased study of our emotional responses.

So long as we get swept away by automatic emotional reactions, we can't think straight. We panic and then that panic misguides our lives into hell. 

Another dangerous thing is thinking that we can be saved by someone outside. Then the dictators, masquerading as having the answers to these frightening unfolding events that they orchestrated, will gladly pretend to "save" you (all the while, you are being escorted to a torture chamber).

Psychological Warfare is about Management Perception in the name of 'Protecting Society'. The only real protection lies in your AWAKENING to your conditioned self-ignorance.

ACKNOWLEDGING The Truth comes when you are honest with yourself by realizing that we have been conditioned to self-destruct through our emotional reactions. Once we learn about the NATURE OF FEAR, through being in full contact with ALL of our emotional responses to the daily challenges of living through problems, then we are free of that fearful condition. Then, we are also free to act Intelligently with respect to resolving problems. 

We are being provoked by wealthy entities that are deliberately making problems to living, all over the world, so that we get consumed by FEAR. But, when one sees that that energy vibration can be effortlessly extinguished by paying close attention when it pops up (don't fight yourself, don't give in to it -- just neutrally be aware of that state of being until it fades away, naturally). Why?

Because YOU ARE THE WORLD AND THE WORLD IS YOU. That means that if you fight yourself, you must fight the world, and then your essence gets drained and then you are consumed by the tyrannical system, as was planned by the system. Then what becomes of your children when you are no longer around to protect them and give them a world of peace and sanity?

It is easy to get angry and rage against the machine. But, what will that really accomplish? NOTHING AT ALL!

We're being challenged to do the hardest thing and that is to deal with insanity without becoming insane ourselves. For, if we don't, then Humanity will cease to exist and will be converted into some kind of monster.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Are Desire And Time The Origin Of Egotistical Fear


The study of ones psychological nature is the creative energy generation of ones mind. This is why it is very necessary to question, inquire through the observation of ones emotional responses to ones daily living. 

First of all, our minds are being constantly being bombarded with contradictory emotionally-based messages. The are messages about plans to destroy people. And, our biological brain and body has a need to be safe from harm, which an obvious fact. But, emotionally, we have been trained to seek comfort in the form of a promise of security, even if it's only an illusion of salvation, most people will go along with it.

So there is 'physical security', which is a 'need/necessity' that is based on facts. And, then there is 'psychological security' which is a 'emotional-desire/ego' that is based on illusion, contradiction or deception.

If our 'physical needs' are not met, then we can't live at all, right? Obviously! So all human beings 'need' food/water, clothing and shelter in order to live. There is no argument about that fact.

However through many centuries of traditional emotional molding and training, most people have been influenced to desperately seek emotional fulfillment in their desires (i.e., emotional-imaginations involving beliefs, ideals, opinions). The pursuit of 'emotional-fulfillment' brings about the fear of not being able to fulfill in an emotional-based image. Why is this so destructive to 'physical security', on a whole?

All 'psychological desire' causes Division, Fragmentation, Disintegration in human consciousness. Externally, it leads to conflict, war, annihilation. The greater our technological advances, the more they are being used to destroy us, because we have failed to understand the fallacy of seeking to fulfill in emotional-desires. The only reason why anyone 'believes' in anything is due to being afraid of being in full contact with ones Whole Emotional-State of Being.

We don't mind clinging on to the thoughts and feelings that give comfort, which are desirable. However, the brain-washed mind suppresses the feelings and thoughts that give discomfort, which are undesirable. Thereby, a split or break in the psychological-being takes place, and then it starts to resist itself which causes conflict within ones mind. A mind at odds with itself must also be at odds or in conflict with everyone around oneself. Regardless if a person says nice-sounding things to you and you reply in kind, it is just a mask or disguise of benevolence, because a mind that is in conflict is in a state of disintegration. So, such a mind, can't genuinely LOVE another. And, emotionalism is NOT Love at all.

Desiring to possess someone on an emotional level destroys relationship, does it not? You desire the one that you want to possess to always make you feel emotionally gratified. Governments want to emotionally possess us, too. That is why they demand that we be patriotic, which is to emotionally attach our lives to its ideology and also be willing to die for it. Then, they teach people to be mean toward anybody who does not obey nationalism. Nationalism is having an emotional attachment to the political system that one was born into. Once one is emotionally identified with ones tribe or nation, then if anyone insults that emotional concept of country, then there is a rationalization to excuse organized murder to the offensive group. Hence, destruction to 'physical security' (due to the fulfillment of 'psychological-desirable fulfillment'). This is the basis for unfairness, inequality, greed and other psychological imbalances.

Now what about 'Psychological Time'?

Again, this is about thinking about the emotional 'past memories', and projecting them into the so-called future. Politics is rooted in the 'emotional past history', which is used to spark future wars or enslavement or genocide. The only difference between now and the past wars is that technology is being used to disguise, cloak the assaults being carried out against our 'physical security'. This strategy relies on the average person's theory that “What you don't know or see can't hurt you.” But, obviously, this is not so. Radiation in high levels cannot be seen, tasted, heard or detected by our 5 senses, yet it can easily generate cancer and kill the body. There are tons of ways to destroy biological health in secret or covert ways.

J. Krishnamurti: Knowledge & Transformation

'Psychological Time' is the strategy of emotionally arousing the mind to worry about what might happen by incessantly talking about the planning of harming a group of people (based on that group's emotional-identity or beliefs). All beliefs divide people, emotionally/psychologically. You can go to and see propagandists pointing out dangerous plots against various groups of people, as well as global population-downsizing plans. On the surface, it appears that they are simply warning us about the various threats to our safety. But, when you look at egotistical motive, it is to get you to join one side of the conflict in the hope that you will be saved from destruction. People are brainwashed to believe or assume that there is safety in warfare, despite the fact that the planet is being trashed to a dangerous point of annihilation. 

'Emotional Desire' is seeking to be certain all the time. It projects emotional-based systems, formulas or methods to achieve 'psychological certainty'. People are being encouraged to run away from themselves by identifying with ideological images in which to take emotional comfort. They tell us to think very highly of ourselves in order to eliminate feelings of insecurity. Opposing what you are does not change it; it only suppresses yourself (hides yourself from yourself) and cling to an imaginary-you, which pretends to be a 'better' version of yourself. But, that imaginary-you is born out of its original state of being (that was suppressed). This conflict, born out of the imaginary-you contradicting the undesired state of being, disintegrates ones mind, does it not?

'Psychological Time' is the response of emotional-memory thinking about what might happen in the future. We are being fed stories and reports about the military being trained to force most of Humanity into a cage to be experimented upon, tracked, spied on and perpetually tormented. That stimulates worry and anxiety and fear. A frightened mind is to be in a deep state of confusion, and out of its confusion one chooses to take action to oppose the impending threats. That, in turn, leads to conflict, which ultimately destroys your 'physical security'.

The so-called 'Truth Movement' on the Internet informs the public about the dangerous plots being made against most of the human population. Then the reporters tell us to take action to verbally rebel to keep from being warehoused property or liquidated, altogether. We are being pressured into choosing a side to join and then fight against the side one didn't choose. Ultimately, we are being mentally molded to subscribe to conflict as the only means to save ourselves. But, is that true?

Conflict is energy that is DISINTEGRATING, FRAGMENTING and DEGENERATING, therefore, it can never bring about security, stability or mental clarity. Conflict breeds deception, fear and confusion. Humanity has built its house on cracked foundation, because conflict, itself, is contradiction/duality, which is division – the cracked mind. Economy and business is rooted in the foundation of war, both in the mind and in the external environment.

We think that the solution to barbarism is to fight against it. All that does is feed the beast. So if struggling against conflict only increases it, is there an approach that can end conflict? So far, all approaches have been positive, which begins with the supposition about the problem, and then seeks to change it. The battle to change conflict breeds more and more conflict. Intelligence is the act of seeing something very clearly and behavior is born out of that accurate realization. Once your mind understands that the positive approach of opposition to conflict is futile and leads to disaster, then one naturally drops that approach.

The propagandists are emotionally stirring up anger so that people will act out of hysteria and panic. But in order to survive, one needs to be able to adequately respond to all challenges of living. Therefore, ones approach to the challenge is what determines survival or ending up a victim of conflict. So instead of pursuing the answer to the problem of conflict, which is the positive approach, is it possible to understand the nature of conflict without any bias involved?

Is it possible to have a Neutral Approach to all psychological challenges of living? The Neutron in the Atom equally holds the opposite forms of energy, which are the protons {positive} and electrons {negative}. Since our mind is also made out of Atomic Energy, isn't it possible to equally pay full attention to both our positive and negative emotional thoughts and feelings, without seeking to change them into something more desirable? Desire divides attention into partial or biased attention and favoring certain thoughts and feelings over others, which is division of ones psyche, is it not?

Instead of tearing ones mind into pieces by choosing to pay partial attention to the expressions of my mind that I like and ignoring the mental expressions that I dislike, is it possible to equally observe ALL of my mental feelings and thoughts? And in that Total-Observation of conflict/confusion, it naturally dissolves. Because, Total-Observation is energy that is non-oppositional; it is just communing with the challenge.

Whenever I watch and listen to reports about the Illuminati, Corporate Crimes, Political Tyranny or Organized Religious Deception, I just pay complete attention to everything being said. Then, I realize that the entity that is saying these things in grounded in the energy of conflict/confusion, so how can it know what is the solution to all this chaos? Isn't it responsible for fearful chaos and maintaining it? Conflict demands that we vote in favor of one of the opposing sides to any given argument, right? But in so doing, one is consumed by conflict through bias brought about through choosing one side of the coin against the other side.

Why not consider for a moment, what if both sides of conflict is the same thing? What if conflict was like the Negative Film that produces the Positive Photo? The two appear to be different entities, don't they? But, they are 2 sides of one continuum, are they not? After all, the photo is born out of its negative, right? So their appearance of looking different is an illusion that they are 2 different things that are not related.

Similarly, the 'Positive Propagandists' claim to be benevolent, and they accuse the secret societies, international bankers and politicians/militia of planning and secretly carrying out crimes against both Humanity and Nature, which is true. But, they are implying that they are not related to their opponents. But, is that so? Isn't ego-driven conflict just the 2-sided continuum of the 'Hero' {Positive-Photo} versus the 'Villain' {Negative-Film}?

Do you know what the 'Fabian Argument' implies? It relies upon 2 opposing specious arguments that appear on the surface to be different and unrelated, but upon close scrutiny ones discovers, they are essentially the same thing. The ploy is to get one to choice between them. But, no matter which side of the argument one may choose, you end up victimized, either way. That is what has been going on for centuries.

The Elite Power Masters have setup 'Fabian Arguments' in order to deceive those who are easily emotionally influenced and controlled. The Elite Power Masters have established so-called education institutions (brainwashing centers) to shape our manner of thinking. They treat Humanity like a bunch of puppets/dummies and they are the ventriloquists influencing us what to think and say. That is what happens when you don't bother to learn about your own mind, directly, through pure observation of ALL your emotional thoughts and feelings. They want us to get highly agitated so that we will fall for the 'Fabian Illusion', and choose a side to find salvation. But, both sides lead to the slaughter house. Because, both sides are rooted in conflict. And, we can see that conflict is division. No structure can be supported by a cracked/divided foundation. That is The Law of Physics; so it is based on a fact.

If you emotionally commit yourself to the 'Wolves In Sheep's Clothing', called 'The Truth Movement' and verbally fight against the 'Wolves', then you are targeted for confinement, torture and liquidation. If you emotionally commit yourself to the 'Wolves', then when you attack the Human Race, you are attacking yourself, because you are Humanity. You eventually get consumed by guilt or you lose the ability to feel life; you go numb inside and can't sleep. One is cursed to exist in a state of meaningless loneliness that can never be undone. So either side of conflict leads to annihilation of your sanity.

Opposites are naturally lethal to each other unless they are grounded in NEUTRAL ENERGY. That is The Law of Physics. I keep talking about The Atom simply because without Atoms no matter would exist at all. All things are made from Atomic Energy. It's simple design is:

House On A Stable Foundation:
Negative/Electron – Positive/Proton → Grounded in NEUTRAL/NEUTRON

In Humanity on the emotional level that leads to war here is what it comprises:

House On An Unstable Foundation:
Negative/Villain – Positive/Hero → Grounded in BIAS/BELIEF DIVIDED ENERGY

Both sides are rooted in the same root of conflict. There are Negative Beliefs and Positive Beliefs that both think that they are right and the other side is wrong. Both sides are NOT in touch with ALL of their emotional thoughts and feelings. So they are ignorant. Yet, both sides have an image that they are intelligent. But, conflict is ignorant due to the fact that it is self-destructive.

So whenever you watch and listen to these propagandists emotionally ranting about the terrible things that are being planned and carried out, just realize that their energy has contributed to these events. Nothing going on in Humanity is by random chance or 'shit just happens' theory. It may appear that way to a person who lives on the surface and never explores more deeply. You know that there is more to the material world than what you can detect with your 5 senses. Well, there is more to our psyche than its conscious level.

The conscious mind can't tap into its subconscious with first understanding the nature of the top layer. But, that is impossible through a biased mindset. Bias comes from the childish habit of 'liking' and 'disliking', which puts pressure on the mind to choose a side.

In political campaigns, you are being strongly aroused by their emotional statements and promises to make your life better if you choose them to represent your interests. Then after you fall for the trick and they get into power, they mainly protect and defend the interests of corporate profit.

We have been taught to think backwards. That is, we've been encouraged to look outward for safety, certainty and salvation. We've been trained to chase after the answer, without thoroughly investigating the problem and understanding it, first. What we are facing everyday was born out of our psychological past. We keep taking the same approach to conflict (the threat of annihilation) while hoping for a different result. The same approach must yield the same result of conflict, right? And, where there is conflict, there is fear, confusion and misery that's temporarily postponed by the pleasure of various kinds of entertainment.

Either one is Grounded in Neutral, Unbiased awareness to ALL of ones thoughts and feelings, or one is rooted in Division/Conflict. If you are playing the emotional game of choice, then you will be the victim of it – no matter which side you may choose to emotionally support.

There's nothing to choose; that is the adequately intelligent response to 'Fabian Arguments' that ask you would you rather get murdered by gun shot or by a needle filled with a poisonous substance? That is not a choice. So the answer is: neither one is acceptable. So when one is faced with people telling us that they are the so-called 'good-guys' and they are the 'bad-guys', then wise up and see that they are in a co-dependent arrangement that validates the existence of each other. No 'villains' results in no need for 'heroes'. And the 'villain' needs 'heroes' to destroy so that evil can proclaim to be stronger than the 'good' (this is fake goodness). Both sides are driven by egotistical cravings to dominate the minds of the masses in order to feel superior. The 'villain' boldly claims to be superior. While the 'hero' secretly craves to be superior. So the 'hero' is only pretending to save Humanity from all these terrorizing scenarios in order to be looked up to and praised. It is not benevolent. Conflict is malevolent. And, since both sides strive to shape the world through conflict, they are both grounded in bias/division and, thereby, malevolence.

If you watch this video on called, “ZEITGEIST: THE MOVIE 2007 (HD)”, you will see exactly how people have been emotionally tricked into war after war. And, you will see how the elite made their fortunes increase from war. The cycle keeps repeating because the Human Mind remains asleep to itself. The greatest fear that ALL conditioned minds have is fully being in touch with itself. And that is the only salvation that is real – Holistic-Neutral Attention to the 'Ego'. The 'Ego' being your response of emotional 'like' or 'dislike' to anything. Even though Humanity has suffered horrifically, they still continue to allow themselves to be enslaved by conflict/war. Because, they are addicted to their own 'Ego', and that's the key to brainwashing. It's easy for so-called 'Truth Seekers' on the Internet to criticize other 'Egos', and they think that they are 'good', because they are condemning obvious sadistic things that are going on. Condemnation is just a distraction from seeing ones own conflict.

Just to clarify something real quick...

The writer of this discussion is NOT condemning anybody. One is simply pointing out what is taking place in order to understand the problem and be free of it. Lack of understanding is THE PROBLEM, period. When the mind is clearly aware of a fact, confusion no longer exists. We said that conflict is essentially confusion. So we must approach the problem, not by opposing or attacking it. That merely fuels the problem. We must approach the problem of conflict by studying what it is doing in real time. Conflict is the byproduct of INATTENTION or UNAWARENESS or INSENSITIVITY to conflict when it arises in your consciousness. In the moment of detecting hypocrisy, contradiction or conflict in oneself, it naturally ends. That is why I am exposing the nature of conflict, not to ridicule it, but to expose it to the light to be fully seen and understood. When a thing is understood, it is no longer a problem. Why?

The problem is emotional bias, right?

One 'likes' certain thoughts or feelings and 'dislikes' the others. So one clings to the 'liked' feelings and thoughts and ignores and suppresses the 'disliked' feelings and thoughts. Now there is conflict and division in the psyche. When you are driven by or rooted in 'like' and 'dislike', you are tethered to a biased-based center (a.k.a., 'Ego'). That causes an emotionally-unbalance state of mind that is poised to kill for its 'likes' and 'dislikes'. A prejudiced-mind is malevolent at its core. And, both opposing sides of the 'Fabian Argument' dealing with global genocide are grounded in their emotional 'likes' and 'dislikes', are they not. And, these 2 halves of 'villain' {negative} and 'hero' {positive} is just like the camera that has 2 halves of 'negative' {film}and 'positive' {photo} that may appear to be different, but they are 2 halves of the same singularity. When you clearly realize that as being an absolute fact, then you wont be deceived into choosing to take a side in the Armageddon-Game of War. You will be in a Neutral-Zone that is untouchable, because conflict is limited to the domain of its own past and cannot go beyond its domain. Only conflict can destroy conflict.

The first rule of war is to divide and conquer! Before all wars there is emotional speeches to arouse a mental fragmentation. Then, physical war erupts. On the Internet, these rantings about genocide and all of the nasty business that is going on is generating a hysterical atmosphere in order to influence people to CHOOSE a side to seek safety. There is no safety in CHOICE. The moment one chooses, one is consumed by conflict, like the blob. One is, then, trapped in ones own emotional past based on ones emotional 'likes' and 'dislikes'.

Every effect is rooted in a cause. All of this cruelty, brutality and malevolence has an origin. That origin is your mind that refuses to study itself and understand its nature and how it brings about conflict/war within itself. External Physical Warfare is being supported by Internal Psychological Warfare. War is conflict brought about through emotional bias and division based on ones emotional 'likes' and 'dislikes'. The Human Mind is the seed of violence when it is unaware of itself, then it emotionally commits itself to a side of conflict. There is NO righteous side of conflict, no matter what they preach. Conflict is malevolent, period!

The REAL CHALLENGE that all of Humanity is faced with everyday is psychological blindness and insensitivity to what they are doing. A life that is based on imitation and doing what you are told, without critical and skeptical investigation is a life without meaning or substance. When the mind is hollow, due to being ignorant about its emotional state of being, then it is already dead. So when a mind is already dead, it can easily attract someone to come and wipe away its very life. The way that people are being systematically reduced down to being caged is because they all refused to understand their mind and how it is in grave error by emotionally identifying with anything. The horror in the world, externally, is born out of the horror in Human Consciousness that prefers to remain asleep to itself. Things shall continue to get worse until either the mind Awakens to the fallacy of existing in an emotional biased commitment; or it will totally disintegrate because it is not grounded in a Neutral Energy Field of Holistic Self-Observation, without bias.

Emotional bias cannot be consciously and deliberately forced out of ones mind. It can only end by a passive awareness and sensitivity in the present. It is a living thing so ones emotional past is useless to extinguish bias. To see the false as the false IS The Truth. One can't go after Truth. The Truth reveals itself only when one detects the full nature of the falsehood or problem. We 'like' to take pleasure in exposing flaws of others in order to ignore our own flaws. That is why people like to join in heated debates about the chaotic world that each person has made. We don't feel the connection to our thinking and these dangerous threats to our physical well being. But the more one is committed to ones emotional 'likes' and 'dislikes', the more physical security is being displaced and put in grave danger.

The old ways cannot rectify the global threat. The elite wish to trash to surface of the Earth and take refuge in their luxurious dwellings located inside the Earth. I saw a movie back in the 1970's called, “THX 1138” (starring Robert Duvall). It was a futuristic science fiction story about Humanity had destroyed to surface of the Earth and its atmosphere. They had to live inside the Earth. But, there was only 2 classes – the rich minority and the masses were slaves. Sex was outlawed. Impregnating a woman through natural sex was outlawed. Medication was mandatory for everyone, and if one was caught not taking their daily dose, they were tortured with cattle prods. Computers with artificial intelligence software became the only religious dogma allowed to be heard. When I was 19 years old at the time I saw that movie, I thought that would never happen; “It's just fiction,” I thought to myself. People are too intelligent to allow such a barbaric way to live. Now I'm seeing that movie come into real life.

Then when I saw another science fiction movie called, “The Fly” (starring Jeff Goldbloom), I also thought that this is too unreal and nonsensical for that to be allowed to happen. The movie was about a scientists who tampered with the DNA of a fly and ended up genetically engineering the DNA of the fly into his own DNA. He went crazy while he watched his body turn into a fused Human-Fly. It was an ugly movie to watch. I was so relieved that it was just a movie. But now look at our world is being genetically altered without the slightest understanding of all the variables at play. Nobody knows what the outcome of genetic engineered food will do to our planet's natural ecosystem. And, once genes are changed, you can unchange that change. Why is the energy being taken out of its natural balanced state?

Well, it's because our emotional-being is competing with Nature and mainly with The Neutron. The center of the Atom is The Neutron. Its Energy is unlike the positive and negative energy in the Atom. The negative and positive energy is measurable fragments, which make them finite, limited energy. Without the neutral energy to ground and stabilize the limited opposite energies, they must seek to destroy each other. In other words, opposite forms of energy that is NOT grounded in Neutral Energy brings about an unbalanced interaction between the opposite halves that will disintegrate out of existence. That is The Law of Atomic Physics. What gives beauty and harmony and creative balance to all forms of energy is the Ground of Neutrality.

Ego is an energy that is unbalanced because it is grounded in its emotional 'likes' and 'dislikes', which is limited energy. Because, 'likes' and 'dislikes' are positive and negative energy. If one fails to see the fact that they are 2 sides of the same psychological coin, and then chooses to favor 1 side over the other, then there is inevitable destruction, because opposites must forever seek to annihilate their other half, so long as Neutral Energy is missing. Humanity has been programmed to self-destruct by emotionally committing themselves to their flag, race, dogma, etc. Any emotional bias divorces the mind from Neutral Energy. Neutral Energy is the only thing that can harmonize the opposites. That is simply The Atomic Law of Energy. If you go against the facts of life, your energy is unbalanced and must be destructive. It doesn't matter how nice you speak to people, you are malevolent at the core of your emotional-being, which happens to be the foundation of a Human Being. If the foundation is biased/cracked, then the structure of your life must fall!

After 2012 the ancient Mayan Indians could no longer predict Humanity's future, because the ego is now existing on borrowed time. There is a Millennium Shift that is impacting The Collective Consciousness of Humanity that is unprecedented and either Mind will Awaken that its been making a gigantic mistake by placing its faith in biased emotional 'likes' and 'dislikes', or it will cease to exist. Because, the longer the Human Mind discovers more technological and biological and chemical intricacies, it must weaponize its discoveries and turn them against Humanity because, psychologically the mind is not grounded in Neutrality and is, therefore, unbalanced. An unbalanced mind thinks that it is doing something beneficial while it is actually destroying itself. They think that vaccines are beneficial while they are causing millions of deaths, globally. So the greatest threat to physical stability and environmental preservation is The Human Ego.

The elite wealthy pirates of Humanity wants to maintain the status quo of playing the director and producer of The Human Puppet Show, which depends on each person handing over their minds to biased 'likes' and 'dislikes'. What keeps this show going is people not caring deeply enough to wake up and let go of the old traditional way of thinking, psychologically. It is not the warlords keeping us down, it is ourselves being too scared to question their way of thinking and start watching it for what it is. When you see yourself exactly as you are, without trying to improve whatever you find out, then you are grounded in Neutrality and have stop contributing your energy to conflict. Conflict is a parasite that requires your support or else it naturally withers out of existence. So don't yell at the people planning genocide. Those plans can only come true if you remain a slave to bias, psychologically. Study and learn, and above all, detect and be sensitive to exactly what your mind is doing.

One last thing... When the conscious mind is being watchful, without manipulating or interfering with the observation that is aware of bias as it arises in ones mind, then that energy of awareness is the Neutral Energy which neutralizes the bias. As that happens in your waking hours, when you go to sleep your subconscious mirrors what the conscious mind was doing, because the Neutral Energy of Being Watchful has NO opposition in it. So your subconscious is no longer at odds with its conscious half, and there is peace and wholeness in the mind. Where there is Neutral Energy, then the entire mind is grounded in a perfect state of balance. And, the mind is in a new dimension of complete order. The old divided mind has died, and conflict has died. There is bliss.

Unplugging form disorderly energy is the appropriate response to the challenge of disorderly mental energy entities. These forms of energy do not need to be attacked for them to wither out of existence. But, they will wither away faster the more people that stop emotionally supporting conflict within themselves. The key to conflict and terrorism lies within the mind. For the mind is fear when it fails to be in full Neutral contact with ALL of its thoughts and feelings, regardless if one 'likes' or 'dislikes' them. For, your mind is its content, which is ALL of your emotional responses (be they positive or negative). You don't need to choose one side or the other. You are both sides of your emotional-being.

Observation of both sides is the equivalent of the Neutron holding both opposite energies of the proton and the electron. Then, we are in alignment with the Cosmos and can finally live on this planet in peace. This is not some fairy tale dream I am talking about. If you bother to understand ENERGY and the Atom, which is the fabric of all life, then you can see how Humanity has lost its way and correct that error. But, it can only correct the error by first SEEING exactly what the error is. Otherwise, the error will continue to repeat itself seeking another Holocaust. But, this time the latest technologies and bio-chemical weapons will do irreparable damage to our biosphere. And, it wont be fit for habitation.

What will make a human being let go of the old (positive) approach to emotional divisions of ideals, beliefs, opinions, conclusions based on whatever one 'likes' or 'dislike'? One hopes to find emotional security in psychological reward or punishment. One gets a metal for killing for their ideological concept with regard to their tribe or nation. Or, one is imprisoned for not obeying patriotic demand. People have accepted tyranny because the root of tyranny is ego-driven, which is fear-driven. And people have not questioned the validity of seeking emotional comfort through ones ego that desires emotional support so that it can feel good about itself, and hide from the fact that it is afraid of being in touch with itself, without believing in an emotional-image about oneself.

Suppression, control, domination of emotional-desire is the analytical process, which is going backwards in ones psychological memories to find the root of desire. But, desire dictates the process because from the beginning one wants a desired result from the analysis. So the process is biased and is a partial process. When faced with tyranny, we are conditioned to respond based on desiring to oppose it, without understanding 'who' is doing the opposing? Is it not the your emotional-past memory in opposition to other people's memory. So it is memory versus memory, is it not? Ones own memory has suppressed certain thoughts and feelings and those suppressed emotions are under tyranny.

So when the government orders the military to oppress your movements, what you think and your economic limitations. the public is unable to stop it, because the public has committed tyranny upon their own emotional thoughts and feelings. Therefore, there is a division in their mind (so long as they defend their emotional images they have about themselves). And where there is division, the egotistical aggressors can then conquer the targets. That is why the public has been programmed and educated to cultivate a self-image, which creates the division so that the mind can be conquered, hijacked or hacked into and then dominated by outside agents to control and/or destroy. This is the plight for any mind that fails to investigate their ego and clearly and factually see what it is doing and be in full contact with the facts through direct observation, alone. Then the mind is being neither positive or negative-based; it is in a Neutral state of being that is able to discover the Root of Desire (which wants chooses which parts of its emotional responses that it will suppress).

What is psychological fear? Does it have its roots in desire. Thought fabricates an image and then pursing that image and might fulfill or might not. If it fulfills there is no fear. But when there's no fulfillment there's frustration. Is fear the product of desire? Are desire and time responsible for fear? The movement of thought creates a self-image based on its prejudices (its emotional 'like' and 'dislikes'). Time is movement from here to there. One is feeling hate. Desire says, “I don't desire to feel like that.” So, desire (which is thought) go back into its past experiences and remembers how it felt when it was feeling elated. And from that 'liked' memory, thought desires to project that past remembered emotion into its present by concentrating on that remember emotion, in an effort to get away from the actual state of feeling hatred. The effort to run away from a state of being is TIME (a mental movement away from the undesired feeling, which is myself in the present).

When the mind goes into its past emotional memory bank to seek comfort away from its current uncomfortable state of being, it is projecting the past into the present and dividing the present by superimposing a dead, past emotional memory. This DIVIDES ones mind into fiction {past} vs. fact {present}. One is afraid of perceiving ones {present} state of mind (of feeling hateful). So fear is Time, because the movement away from Perceiving the {present} state of being hateful is rooted in ones Desire to oppose 'What I am Feeling/Thinking In The Present' by 'Imagining What I Desire To Feel/Think'. And, all imagination is ones Emotional-Past Memories. So Desire is opposing 'The Living Present' with 'The Dead Past', thereby, creating a Division in Time, psychologically. And, where there is Division, there must be conflict in the psyche. Once a psyche is divided against itself, it can then be conquered by outside agents. That is why all war and psychological tyranny is founded upon one principle: “DIVIDE AND CONQUER”! For without emotional or psychological division, one CANNOT be conquered. That is The Eternal Law of Reality, not made by Mankind.

In the actual realization that the root of all psychological-fear is Desire and Time, that clarity of understanding frees ones mind from the bondage of its emotional past from superimposing over the Living Present. What we are discovering, here, is that the daily challenge of Human living is being able to detect ones emotional past covering up ones {present} state of being so that objective, unbiased awareness of what ones mind is doing is clear, rational and is no longer fearful of being in touch with any {positive or negative} thought or feeling that one is having in each {present} moment in your daily life.

It is only in the direct, neutral understanding in the {present} moments of ones daily life that transforms ones limited, unbalanced mental energy into unlimited, balanced energy of Holistic Order. The approach is not a system or method. All systems, formulas, methods, ideals are based on the past memory to be repeated mechanically, which is a divisive approach. Because, one is seeking to overthrow ones {present} state of thinking or feeling by trying to emotionally approximate oneself to a Desire pattern of thinking and feeling. Desire is finite because it is emotional memory choosing pieces of itself to promote and to suppress, which is contradictory/conflict.

Whereas, the careful examination of ones emotional responses that are stimulated whenever we interact with the world around ourselves, it is these initial responses that are necessary to sensitively detect and observe so that ones mind can directly and factually learn about its nature, not idealistically (or imaginary). After, being in touch with reality IS sanity, is it not? That which is sane does not destroy itself and others. Insanity is a product of Psychological Fear. And, Psychological Fear is rooted in 'The Desire To Become' (other than what is thinking and feeling in the present). And, Psychological Fear is rooted in Time, because it will take Time 'To Emotionally Become' something that is imagined. But, the imagined 'better' state of mind does not exist, in reality. It is just a projected emotion out of ones dead/past memory.

When the politicians or so-called religious leaders try to emotionally persuade us to 'believe' in their 'imaginary futuristic' world, it always leads to tragedy. Thought as Desire can never bring about order, since it is limited energy and not whole. But, Pure Unbiased Direct Observation of ones {Present} responses is a Living contact with what is taking place in ones mind right now, now, now, which is Whole Unlimited Neutral Energy. There is no Desire choosing to be in touch with part of itself and ignore the rest of itself, which is opposition, conflict leading to destruction and misery (while promising some new world order of paradise). That has always led to great massacres.

NOBODY can help you see your emotional mind, without prejudice. When I say “without prejudice”, I mean to detect 'emotional prejudice' arising in oneself. It is the energy of detecting the false, that neutralizes it and naturally ends it. It isn't your Desire nor Will that ends ones biases. For, Desire and Will are the very essence of bias, isn't it? The Neutralizing Energy is non-oppositional because this energy is not of Thought, Memory or Time.

Thought is like the proton {positive} and electron {negative} of an Atom that is grounded in Neutral Energy (because that energy is neither positive or negative). So it is Neutral Energy that brings stability and balance to the fragmented, finite, limited forms of energy. That is why it is only through being in full contact with ALL of your minds thoughts and feelings that, that full contact is the energy that is Neutral (it is not the finite emotional imagination). Awareness, without Desiring To Choose which thoughts and feelings to pay attention to, that is Neutral Energy that is being aware of finite energy, which is what you are thinking and feeling in each {present} moment ,as you interact with people and things. So conflict has been approached outside of Time, outside of Egotistical seeking.

Ego is at war within itself and outside of itself. That is why, psychologically, YOU ARE THE WORLD AND THE WORLD IS YOU! How you relate to your emotional-self is exactly how you relate to the world around yourself (including people, things and the environment). External events are unfolding based on the condition of ones psychological or Emotional Being. THE PROBLEM that is threatening the very existence of our planet and our lives is strictly one thing EGO (The Desire To Control Thought is responsible for all this mess in the world). It is the intrinsic responsibility of each mind to Awaken to the error of its thinking about defending and building up ones self-image (a.k.a., Ego). The Ego drives one to become a soldier while 'believing' that one is protecting life (which is a falsehood). Ego is a self-divided entity generating unbalanced, limited energy that is being projected at the world everyday. All people who remain psychological asleep are radiating destructive energy that is attracting violence into their lives.

Cause-Effect is what reality is based on. The Cause of people trying to control each other is The Ego (a thing that is out of touch with itself). So long as the Cause is not Neutrally approached and understood, the Effect of mounting dangers in the world shall continue to proliferate until a great explosion erupts and devastates the world. The Human Mind is the Greatest Threat to the balance of energy in the world. It is the Human Mind that made all of the various Weapons of Mass Destruction. So it is The Human Mind that IS The Weapon of Mass Destruction, so long as it remains blind to what it is doing, as an Ego (which has DETACHED itself from Neutral Energy of Holistic Self-Watching).


Seed = Tree

Ego = Tree of Decay/Annihilation

Neutral Aware Mind = Tree of Live/Natural Cooperation

There is no other salvation. The Ego of past generations made up fairy tales in order to convince and influence people into building, defending their Ego state of consciousness so that the few could dominate and rule over the many. So far the masses have continued to give the few permission to rule their lives. The few are counting on the masses to rise up and oppose their oppressive aggressions. But outer circumstance are just the Effect of inward circumstances, which is the Cause of the Effects that are scaring us to death.

Everyday most people are handing over their entire lives to Emotional-Thought by never questioning what “I am doing to contribute to the circumstances of my life?” Obviously, your mind has an energy signature that you have made and are maintaining. If that energy signature is opposition/conflict/division, then you have made your mind able to be hacked and conquered by outside agents. But, if one begins to investigate and learn about its nature, then the energy signature will change, naturally, without any effort or coercion coming from yourself. Because if you force yourself, then you are allowing external agents to force you into painful circumstances, as well. What you do toward your emotional mind, you must also allow outside agents to do to your physical security and to your mental condition. No one can invade a mind that is Neutrally In Contact with whatever one is thinking and feeling. And, it is the energy of perception that acts upon your thoughts or feelings and directs your behavior to be non-violent, yet free of being overtaken by any outside agent. Wholeness cannot be hijacked by Limited energy. So it is up to you to figure out what is going on in your mind and allow that awareness to act, not your desire or will. Because if desire and will act on what you are emotionally thinking and feeling, it must always divide and create confusion, and leave oneself wide open to being conquered by external agents.

This is not my personal opinion, belief. This is not a formula or system, which are all born out of memory, and is therefore, finite. This is The Eternal Law of Atomic Energy of which our entire being is made out of Atoms. Once you understand the basic structure and function of Atomic Energy: which is negative-positive finite energy can only co-exist in natural perfect harmony only if they are grounded in an energy that is unlike itself, that energy is NEUTRAL. The form of Neutral Energy in the Human Mind is Pure Holistic Observation, without seeking to change or improve what is being Observed. What is being Observed are your feelings and thoughts in every {present moment}. Neutral Energy lies in the {present}, not in the past emotional memory. However, one can presently Observe ones finite feelings or thoughts. This is a very difficult challenge, because for thousands of years our psyches have been influenced, pressured and molded to trust in Ego (which is what “Trust In God” actually means). One is afraid to challenge that Ideal that has been handed down by Psychological Tradition (which is the past). Anything born of the past is limited. That which is Sacred or Holy is Eternal and Unlimited Energy, which is Neutral Energy. Therefore, the Real Creator is the Neutron that lies in the core of every Atom in Life. The Human Core has been existing in a limited, broken state. And, that is why these wars have ravished the Earth and why Humanity has always had to deal with inequality, unfairness and terror for all these ages.

However, there is a Millennium Shift that is demanding that we change at our Core Foundation of our Emotional Being. If we fail to do so, it is over for everything in this dimension of life. The planet cannot sustain itself if Humanity sticks around for another century zapping it with its disorderly, imbalanced energy. That is why we are living in unprecedented times, because our entire consciousness is collectively being challenged to Totally Wake Up and see what it is doing, egotistically. The Ego is the culprit that lies at the root of what is ailing the world, both inside and outside. The beginning of the problem lies in the seed of energy determined by the quality of how we observe our emotional responses to the challenge of living. The source of the problem must be dealt with appropriately, which is Neutrally. If not, then the limited energy that is NOT grounded in Neutral Awareness must disintegrate and collapse in on itself. Only after the Collective Ego naturally ends, will life change in a brand new way, which has never existed in Human History. It's up to each of us to be responsible.

Thank you.

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.