Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Unknowing Wolves In Sheep's Clothing Propagandist Are Deceptively Dangerous

This is a review of a video that I just watched:

On the surface, it sounds inspirational and benevolent. However, its message is polarized with the global dictators. Overall, the message of the video is to emotionally buy into a concept of 'love', which is based on 'choice' and 'willpower'. This video invites the viewers to 'positively oppose' the oppressors of the masses. They suggest that we just rely on our 'positive' emotions as a shield against the brutal messages that are bombarding and infiltrating our environment.

They refer to cycles of time with regard to our consciousness. The video directs us to accept that our conduct and morality is dictated by the cycles of the star, Sirius. It would appear that they are saying that at certain times in the cycle, human consciousness is under the influence to lean either toward acting out of pleasure or out of pain. They don't use the term, "pleasure" (they call it 'love'). But, LOVE is NOT dependent on outer circumstances. It is based on a TOTAL attention and insight into the entire psychological conditioning of our 'Ego'.

In this video, they advise people to CHOOSE not to be afraid. When thought does that, it is rooted in fear, but projecting an outward show of being unafraid. The people in the video are opposing their fear and ACTING like they are free of psychological fear. This is a classic case of DENIAL, which is a subtle, cunning escape into an IDEAL (of 'love').

It is the same old mistake that people have made down through the ages. The 'wolves-in-sheep's-clothing' assume that their wishful thinking will protect them and they shall rise up to prevail. Whenever you CHOOSE to OPPOSE a barbaric state of mind by emotionally identifying with nice-sounding-ideals, you inevitably invite a bloody revolution. And, whenever that revolution is global, it threatens to end the entire world. Go check out this video to find out evidence that Humanity has already been down this road, and it cause a Great Deluge, which wiped out and traumatized our consciousness and we had to start all over again to rebuild and rediscover our technological knowledge; the video title, "Secret Space Secret Past" can be found here: 

Thought, psychologically, is the past, and its unconscious mission is to repeat history, but modified. Be ware of the comforting language that is being conveyed in the video at: called, "This will change your life, true knowledge of consciousness a MUST SEE for the human race!" Yes, it looks convincing whenever a group gathers together to concentrate on a single 'idea of love', but as soon as the concentration stops, then crime returns. It's like holding ones breath for a long time, then you have to eventually exhale. It is a temporary illusion of peace, that's all it is. People are merely obeying another system of thought that they like. But, this is not Holistic Love (which is grounded in NEUTRALITY). 

[Be Ware - Wolves-In-Sheep's Clothing]


Some of the people interviewed in the video claimed that it is best to focus on 'positive' feelings/thoughts that will bring so-called bliss, and ignore, suppress your 'negative' feelings/thoughts, because they bring suffering into the world. This is false. It is not a question of focusing on one of those opposite states of mind. As I have pointed out in other blogs I've written, the consciousness is comprised of both opposite halves of energy. It is like a sub-atomic energy called entanglement where a wave and particle have a direct impact on each other no matter how far away they are from each others half. 

Whenever we rebel against one half of our nature, we are triggering a split in our mind. Then, the one who seeks to conquer you is then able to succeed in that endeavor. Two conflicting or opposing "destructive interfering waves" must cancel each other out. 

*Reference: Dr. Courtney Brown, Ph.D at: 

"Beyond (2015) : Zero Point Volume IV - Left Hemisphere Edition".  [video time-stamp 46:24]

Dr. Brown carefully explains 'constructive interference frequency waves' and 'destructive interference frequency waves'. We are mental energy in the form of frequencies. Either they are harmonious or disharmonious interacting frequency waves. It has been proven that our lives are governed by Quantum Physics. I recommend this video showing how it was discovered. And, at the end of Albert Einstein's life, he admitted that our world is based on Quantum Physics. There are a couple of quotes by Einstein in this video at:  

"The Simulation Hypothesis - Documentary 2015"

This video very clearly explains exactly how the sub-atomic frequencies materialize our macroscopic reality in our daily lives. 

"The Simulation Hypothesis - Documentary 2015"

This substantiates what Jiddu Krishnamurti was talking about when he eluded to the fact that "You are the world and the world is you." So it would behoove one to be careful about OPPOSING anybody, because sub-atomically our consciousness is -->> ONE ENERGY! This is why J. Krishnamurti takes a radically different approach to the challenge of conflict. In order to truly be free of conflict, one has to see the fallacy of rejecting 'negative' feelings/thoughts or visa versa, because our consciousness is just like night-time/day-time, to reject one is the destroy the other half of that totality.

So when we are faced with people who are in conflict seeking to make us be in conflict, then after they have thrown a challenge at you, you must embrace your emotional response. I don't mean that you must like your response or dislike it. I mean to simply be in full contact with whatever you feel or think whenever someone has stimulated you either 'positively' or 'negatively'. The spiritual challenge is all about your FREEDOM TO PAY FULL ATTENTION TO ALL EMOTIONAL RESPONSES! And, in deeply listening to your inner mutterings and feelings, you allow that flower to full bloom; tell its story, and then it naturally withers out of existence, without the slightest effort or resistance against any feeling or thought. This is the natural NEUTRALIZATION of the emotional reactions, which is your psyche. But, after the 'positive' or 'negative' emotion has fully expressed itself in your mind, then your energy frequencies are born out of PURE NEUTRAL LOVE. NEUTRALITY is completely UNBIASED.

Whereas, in the video called, "This will change your life, true knowledge of consciousness a MUST SEE for the human race!", there is bias to choose to believe in the ideal of 'love'. That implies opposition to the 'negative' established rulers. This is subtle passive-aggressive psychological warfare. If you look at the video called,
"The Simulation Hypothesis - Documentary 2015", you will better understand why any conflict will always come full circle, and the pain you dished out will be dropped back into your lap (which could also spread into the lives of your children, as well).

I am writing this message to warn people to be ware of any messages that are emotionally appealing to you to favor either the 'positive-over-the-negative' or visa versa. Because, to CHOOSE either way is BIAS and destroys being in Holistic-Neutral Contact with your TOTAL MIND, psychologically. I am not talking about the left-brain memory we use for technical tasks and whatnot. I am only referring to our Emotional Being with regard to LOVE, PEACE and the Ego's Natural Transformation through communing with it (without being for or against its negative or positive expression).

Propagandists tell you what is the 'right or wrong action' to take. But, there is really only ACTION that is adequate in ALL circumstances. So we must begin, not by seeking the so-called 'right action', but understand very clearly what is 'wrong action', which is any action that is born out of emotional bias (like or dislike). Neutrality is not done because one either 'likes' or 'dislikes' it. It is intelligent NOT to destroy oneself and the world. The word Cosmos means Order. Order is balance. You can't tell me that both sides of the global conflict is talking about Order. Because Order is Balance, which can only happen in the ground of UNBIASED Observation of Ones Emotional Responses. When the word "Order" is used with regard to the political agenda of NWO, they mean "Order" as in, "FOLLOW & OBEY ORDERS" dictated by their egos.

Whereas, Cosmic Order is to Balance Energy Frequencies. When one CHOOSES to cling to 'positive' emotional thoughts/feelings and deny or ignore their 'negative' responses or visa versa, then one is splitting their mental-atom. HOLISTIC OBSERVATION IS THE MENTAL NEUTRON. But once you have CHOSEN to play favorites by clinging onto one half of your emotional expression and suppressing the other half, then both halves are grounded in its own fragmented, incomplete energy.

Only Neutral Energy can bring balance and harmony to the opposing energy frequencies. Without a Neutral-Grounding, the two sides will cancel each other out. That is what the Quantum Physics "Destructive Interference Waves" experiments proved.  There are only 2 fundamental mental states of being, you are either in a state of Harmony/Order (Creation) or in a state of  Disharmony/Disorder (Destruction). One is either dividing through choosing an emotional side, or one sees the detrimental fallacy of psychological choice and that insight halts the action of choosing, altogether. You don't choose to be neutral or unbiased. Because that is just a trick born out of bias.

Regardless if the message sounds 'positive' or 'negative', they both represent a state of  Disharmony/Disorder (Destruction). Our daily challenge of living involves seeing through the illusory messages given either by the 'wolves' or the 'wolves-in-sheep's-clothing'!

 Is There Action That Is Right In All Circumstances? 

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Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations

Jiddu Krishnamurti Speaks To The World at the United Nations
"Believing" divides and breeds conflict.