Friday, April 1, 2016

The Seed of Violelnce

What Is Deep Listening?

Today someone told me about several shootings that has taken place over the last few days. Then after he told me about the violent incidents, he commented that. “People are crazy.” But, what does that really mean? Does it imply that he is not crazy just because at the moment he is not displaying obvious violence? Does it mean that when people are acting cruel with one another that one really doesn't understand why it happens, so one has a tendency to dismiss it as being nonsense?

Violence is a problem that has never been fully investigated. People tend to think that it is only outward cruel behavior. But, life is like a seed that blossoms. Everything that we see comes from a seed which blooms into the big things. But everything begins as a seed and what goes on within that seed.

The seed does not look like the thing that it blooms into being. The seed of an avocado does not look like an avocado. The seed of a human being (an embryo) does not look like a person. My point is that the reason why we fail to understand violence is because “the seed of violence” does not look like the outward behavior of violence. So, humanity has mainly dealt with the symptoms of violence, rather than its origin.

Violence is conflict, which comes from division. Where there is division, eventually conflict and destruction follow. The “seed of violence” lies in the Emotional area of our Being (a.k.a., the Emotional-Imagination which contains all of our emotional experiences or memories). It is this area that has been wrongly dealt with.

J. Krishnamurti - Ojai 1982 - Discussion with Scientists 1 - 
Roots of Psychological Disorder

Over the centuries, the Emotional part of our being has been suppressed with beliefs, ideals or analytical conclusions, which has done nothing to end violence. Violence is the essence of OPPOSITION. Humanity has been trained to oppose their true thoughts and feelings and substitute them with more desirable ones. That is a fatal flaw, because the psyche IS its feelings and thoughts. The psyche cannot improve itself by imagining the OPPOSITE of its so-called ugly thoughts and feelings. But, the psychological authorities have insisted that we must force ourselves to think and feel the OPPOSITE of our ugly or dark thoughts and feelings.

By thinking the OPPOSITE of our original feelings or thoughts, we are in direct OPPOSITION within ourselves. This is violence; a war within our mind against itself. So whenever people interact, they must do to others what they do to themselves, psychologically. Any form of emotional suppression brings about conflict in the mind. A mind in conflict is a violent mind. The longer the mind pretends to be nice and at peace, while it subconsciously is boiling mad, sooner or later the internal pressure explodes. Then, someone who seemed to be gentle starts killing people, and then most people who thought they knew this person is shocked by their sudden display of violence.

Even at sporting events, people emotionally identify with their team, and sometimes when their team loses, they are ready to fight the fans of the winning team. Also, the team players get into fights. And, we have accepted this behavior as being “normal”.

J. Krishnamurti - Ojai 1982 - Discussion with Scientists 2 - 
Psychological suffering

Being emotionally identified with a race, country, community gang, etc. all involves violence. But, how does this get started? If you will notice, babies are not violent because they have not learned how to emotionally identify with anything or anyone, yet.

All people have emotional thoughts and feelings about everything taking place in their lives. To be alive means we must have emotional responses to everything going on in our lives. But, tradition has handed down a blueprint that influences us to DIVIDE our Emotional Being into “Good” & “Bad” or “Light” & “Dark”, then we are told that we must ignore, shun or reject one side and cling to the other side our our nature. THIS IS AN ACT OF VIOLENCE because it is OPPOSITION!

Whenever the mind OPPOSES itself, it is DIVIDED against itself. Once the mind is DIVIDED, it can be CONQUERED or CONTROLLED. The governments of the world have been practicing Mind-Control. After all, the word “govern” means “control”. And, “mental” means “mind”. The first form of government was “organized religion”. They ruled over people because they feared their emotions. They assumed that their emotions were spirits of demons invading them and making them have “dark thoughts and feelings” to be influenced to commit acts of cruelty. So the clever and cunning people put on robes and came up with “religious jargon” in order to deceive the psychologically ignorant people into blind obedience. So down through the centuries, people have automatically accepted traditional ways of thinking. The key to mind-control is to never allow questioning.

All holidays are a subtle form of mind-control, because we are expected to blindly celebrate them. It is a way of worshiping the past. The past is dead. But, it is kept alive through the constant repetition of rituals. This is purely emotional and superstition. One fears what will happen if one does not celebrate holidays and to verbally acknowledge the holidays with their community peers. Governments monitor the population to make sure that people are maintaining traditional thinking. Governments control the masses through their emotional identifications. So whenever they want to take the children for warfare, they introduce some emotional reason as to why it is necessary for them to give their lives for some emotional-based cause.

J. Krishnamurti - Ojai 1982 - Discussion with Scientists 3 - 
The Need For Security

However, on the everyday social level, people are violent with each other by stroking the egos of each other everyday. The ego is a byproduct of emotional division. The mind chooses to acknowledge the thoughts and feelings that it likes and shun the ones that it dislikes. Therefore, the shunned emotions are pushed down into the basement of the mind, called the subconscious, which becomes the enemy of its conscious mind (the superficial level of the mind). And, this is the ego – a conditioned mind that is broken, divided or fragmented. The emotional part of our being is ignorant about this conditioning and it has been programmed to protect its ignorance so that its ego can remain in tact.

You see, the very thing that is making the world crazy and unsafe is what everyone is hanging onto and protecting. Everybody thinks that they are sane for defending their ego. But in reality, they are not, because the ego is out of touch with the side of its nature that it has rejected. Meaning, the conscious is at war with its subconscious. So when these mentalities relate to each other, there is a constant eruption of violence, everyday, all over the world. 

Locking people up is not a solution. You can't lock up the entire world, after all. We are at a period of time where the world is going through a millennium shift, which is not in technology. The shift is taking place in the psyche of Humanity. We are facing an unprecedented challenge of awakening to our ancient psychological conditioning. The more we resist waking up, the more the mind is struggling against itself causing an ever increasing eruption of violence in our local communities and within our families.

While humans have evolved on a mechanical and technological level, the emotional (right side of the brain) is still primitive operating out of contradiction, which is OPPOSITION which is VIOLENCE. Humanity's violence is UNNATURAL because it is having a fallout that is poisoning our entire biosphere (that is, our planet, atmosphere and the whole ecosystem). If our warmongering continues to escalate, then the earth will die, then so will our entire species. This is why, at this point and time in history, we are being challenged to WAKE UP to our deadly psychological mistake of maintaining our ego (a mind that is emotionally divided against itself that seeks competition and war in order to feel IMPORTANT).

So when this person who told me about these killings said that people are crazy, he was implying that he was not like them. But the truth is that he is exactly like them, on a psychological (seed of violence) level.

The violent conditioning maintains itself by imagining that it is the OPPOSITE of anything that is ugly about itself. If for instance, one is having sexual thoughts or feelings about someone that they shouldn't be, then one tells oneself that I wont think that way. The more the mind resists its feelings, eventually one will lose control and do the very thing that one is resisting thinking about. This happens to priests and children, does it not? Emotional OPPOSITION is the seed of conflict that eventually takes over ones behavior.

J. Krishnamurti - Ojai 1982 - Discussion with Scientists 4 - 
What is A Healthy Mind?

Whereas, the Full Attention to any thought or feeling, is a NEUTRAL action that holds it until it has told its whole story, then it withers away like a dead leaf falling off a branch or twig. There is No opposition where there is a complete communion with any state of mind. The holistic energy of perception is not an act of will nor desire, so it is not a product of ones “like” or “dislike”; it is NEUTRAL self-awareness. In that Neutral Energy is right action and ones conduct is born out of that pure state of attention. When the mind is operating out of wholeness, it is in a state of Love and will do what is right. 

The mind brings about cruel behavior only when it is divided within itself. Being aware of psychological contradiction, ends it. Unawareness to contradiction is what strengthens contradiction, which is violence. When the seed of violence is detected within oneself, there is where it is either nourished or ended. The reason why people protect their violent conditioning is because there is a pleasurable component to it. Most people can't let go of the pleasurable part of their conditioning. And, that is why they tolerate the cruel aspects of it.

It feels pleasurable to feel superior, important or the power of domination through being an emotional authority. It feels pleasurable to emotionally identify with the “concept of goodness”. All emotional concepts are beliefs that give an “illusion of goodness”. You see, the ego likes to pretend to be moral or good by imagining that it is something that it is not. The sign of this is that it requires verbal support. People go to church, temples or gang hangouts to tell each other that they are whatever they want to emotionally hear about themselves. But, a mind that actually SEES itself as it is, without pretending to be the OPPOSITE, does not need anybody to tell it that it is moral, because the very SEEING is WHOLE, which means that it is COMPLETE unto itself and does not require any outside agency to confirm that it is in a state of clarity, psychologically. Such a mind is totally free of violence, because its seed has no energy of opposition taking place.

Psychological mind is creating the violent circumstances of our lives. No outside agency can protect you from the violence in your life. Only you can end it by being holistically aware of your mind contradicting itself. Holistic means that there is no opposition to whatever you detect going on with your emotional responses. I've lived in the most violent neighborhoods for decades and never has the violence touched my life, because the seed of my mind is under constant vigilance that pays full attention to ALL emotions that arise, and I fully understand the danger of opposing whatever I feel or think, because I AM my thoughts and feelings. That means that if I struggle against myself, then I'm being violent to myself and then I must also be violent with others; then others can attack my life, too.

J Krishnamurti: 
Breaking The Pattern Of Conditioning - Mind Control

J. Krishnamurti: 
The Movement of Thought and Becoming

The Great Millennium Shift is a psychological challenge that will determine if our species will become extinct or not. Because, if Humanity fails to Awaken to its Emotional Conditioning, then this violent mind, which is the Weapon of Mass Destruction that has built all the weapons, is going to destroy everything. And, every time you hear about people being cruel and violent, then challenge yourself to notice your emotional response to what you hear. There is no need to censor what you feel – just be in full contact and learn from that awareness. Learning through detecting your emotional responses is NOT an act of opposition. Also, be aware of your tendency to want to change anything that you find embarrassing about your thinking. Just be aware of your emotional responses. It is that Neutral action that brings about a radical change in your psyche so that it is no longer an ego, but is Whole. After all, wholeness brings about solutions and creation. The broken mind, brings about problems and destruction.

 Jiddu Krishnamurti: 
How can the mind transform itself?

Thank you.

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