Monday, April 25, 2016

Ego Must Be Understood Before Connecting To The Ethereal World

Scientific Experiments Confirms
Consciousness Is Sub-atomically One Whole
Parts Of It Is Disconnected From Its Spirit
That Is Seeking To Overtake Destroy All Spirits
The above video is the 4th in the movie series, you are welcome to view. But, I found that this video clarifies the hard fact of why things are getting more intensely dangerous in the world. In order to intelligently deal with this challenge that all life on Earth is facing, we have to UNDERSTAND WHY things are the way they are and how we may be  knowingly or unknowingly contributing to it. This video proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the answer lies in being clearly aware of the problem. If you see what the problem is, then it is no longer a problem.
Once I was bewildered why I couldn't hear anything from my speakers. I had assumed that I had the volume turn up. So based on that false assumption, I unplugged my speak system and reconnected it. When I played the video, I still couldn't hear sound. I was trying to share a video with a guest visiting me, and I was a bit nervous and distracted by his being present. So I wasn't totally in touch with dealing with my equipment. Then, all of a sudden it occurred to me to check the volume knob. It turned out that it was turned all the way down. The point is that we are forever seeking answers outside of ourselves, because we think the problem is out there. But, the problem lies within us.
This video reveals that there is hard evidence indicating that the quantum realm is a singularity, which means that all forms of life is energy that is interconnected. That means that when we say or do anything, it is affecting the entire world (even the Universe). To destroy another is to destroy your own life. Even if sadistic people continue to live after bringing harm to others, they are also harming their lives, as well. Let's say, hypothetically, that the sadistic people were to get their way and wipe out the masses and enslave the rest, then wouldn't the so-called elite be constantly competing with each other to be the ultimate ruler? Furthermore, a disorderly world based on violence and fear must implode in on itself, because energy cannot exist without balance.
It is the Zero Point (or Vacuum Space) that gives balance to the vibrational energy. Take Zero out of the equation of reality and nothing would work. The computers run off of ONE & ZERO. Atoms are 90% Zero Vacuum Space, and all matter, including the brain and thought, are atomic and subatomic. Instead of viewing life emotionally, see it as it really is, it is ENERGY that is either a constructive wave or a destructive wave. Check out the segment in the video found at timestamp 46:24 where Dr. Courtney Brown, Ph.D. (Boulder, CO) June 2012 give a lecture on "Remote Viewing". Listen very carefully where he talks about proven experiments that confirm that we are all connected, sub-atomically and that it is IMPOSSIBLE to separate our Macroscopic World from the Microscopic World -- they are one world. So whenever we pretend to be separated by 'race' or 'nations' or and emotionally-based divisive group and then attack them, we are, in essence, attacking ourselves.
Is There A Way Out of The Crisis In The World

We have been indoctrinated by mastermind criminals masquerading in business suits with their wealth and degrees dictating to the masses and their children WHAT WE SHOULD THINK instead of paying attention to the FACTS! For only the comprehension of THE TRUTH, shall set us free from psychological slavery. So listen very carefully and learn exactly how the masses are being played. Then, you can see that the only threat to our well being is our own ego that we have allowed ourselves to be driven by. It is emotional division that is destroying the world, everyday. And, if we don't wake the hell up and stop being a pawn in a game that NOBODY can win, then we only have ourselves to blame when our consciousness goes along with sophisticated thugs and their insane plans. There is NO need to attack them, for you become the thing that you attack, and that is what they want us to do. Instead, turn your attention on yourself and learn about your mind so that you can stop helping make things to get worse and worse in the world.
I am only speaking to those who seriously give a damn about the world, not just YOUR OWN HAPPINESS. For there is no such thing, since we are all interconnected. Look at the proof that we are ONE and that our planet is a LIVING ORGANISM, which is dying. So that means that we are also doomed to becoming extinct, if our planet dies because crazy people with tons of money are trashing everything, just because they want to scare Humanity into surrendering to them so that they can treat us like lab rats to experiment on and kick around and amuse themselves with. Because they are empty, meaningless entities who are unbalance forms of energy that must rob us of our energy in order to be able to stay in existence. They can't regenerate themselves. They are degenerates seeking to capture our energy. They are ego tripping and trying to play 'God'. And if they can't do it anymore, then they are trashing our world in order to deprive us of being happy. The only thing we need to do is study our egos and see it for what it is. Seeing THE TRUTH is THE LIGHT. Ego can only exist is DARKNESS. So look at yourselves. Stop blaming the elite. They will automatically self-implode, as a result of us dying to our egos. That will usher in a brand new World Order based on cooperation and consideration.
Dr. Courtney Brown said that the scientific instruments have confirmed that there are only 2 types of quantum energy waves: either constructive or destructive. Ego produces a destructive frequency wave. We've been programmed to be afraid of seeing our conditioning. It almost seems like we will die if we do it. But, that's only a fail-safe put their in our childhood so that we dare not look too deeply at ourselves. For the masters knew that if we ever found out that the key to our salvation from tyranny was to see THE TRUTH about our ego, then they would no longer have the ability to rule us. And, the slavery system that convinced us that we have to pay for our very lives, is a BLATANT LIE!
They erected this hoax of earning a livelihood. Nothing else in the entire world or Universe is paying for their lives. Nothing else in the world or the Universe is "buying & selling" life. That is an artificial game setup in order for one small group can treat us like cattle to be corralled and slaughtered when it suits the masters. The only thing making it possible for this hideous way of life to continue is our fear of dying to our ego, which is our idol that has led us to hand our lives over to power-mad, soulless monsters. We've been in a co-dependent relationship with serial killers (disguised as our leaders). Why accept any leader? When you can be your own leader and see THE TRUTH for yourselves. 


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